Great Sermon! Very intuitive and timely message. During times when the unregenerates rant and rave we have to remember that these are the spiritually handicapped, even if they knew better, they naturally choose turmoil bc that’s their NATURE, and we should expect them to act out as their father is a liar; they are just doing what comes naturally to them. Good reminders in Romans-
Great Sermon! Dear Dr. McKnight,
Thank you for your sermon. I am not familiar with English sermon yet. However I will keep try to catch your words and sermon. Thank you.
Ryan Park
Great Sermon! Another great message, one that is and will be ignored by many professing Christians in our day. Many name Christ, yet promote heretics and ecumenical teachers such as Billy and Franklin Graham, others promote mystics like Guyon and Nee. There's no call to repentance and NO separation from these folks. May God work in the hearts of His elect to walk in obedience to His truth.
False teaching is the work of the Devil - and yet today, MOST are NOT willing to expose this. They would rather embrace it and be 'politically correct'. May God have mercy
Great Sermon! I was totally blessed by this informative piece of information. Hearing some of the names of those who’ve followed and endorsed Mr. Graham’s ministry was eye-opening to say the least, then there were those whose name were not surprising at all, actually they were par for the course.
I loved the way the speaker made a straight line of demarcation between the truth and deception.
I only pray that the desire of others eyes will be opened to the truths of God’s word and not give into compromise.
Very well done on a sensitive issue. This sermon addresses an issue more professing Christians, especially women, need to be aware of and concerned about. Our attire is a way to honor the Lord and protect the Brethren from lusting after the flesh. We can help them greatly by covering ourselves and not dressing as the world or fashion industry would like us to. Our outward attire should reflect our inward desire to please the Lord and dress in "modest attire" as the Word of God commands.
This is a MUST HEAR It is refreshing to hear a man of God stand up against the 'spirit of this age', which is compromise and ecumenism. The one world religion is gaining momentum, building upon an accursed 'free will ' gospel and an all inclusive 'god of love'. Straying from God's truth and embracing a watered down theology will derail the 'train'. We now witness the wreckage, and it is piling up. Thank you Dr. Elliott, I also enjoyed your six part series on the Reformation exposing Billy and Franklin Graham for what they are....minions of Satan, disguised as ministers of righteousness.
The Lord bless you and keep you
Great Sermon! Thank you SO much! Definitely helps me in my battle against pride! God bless you for taking a stand for humility in an increasingly proud world. Especially thanks for the boldness to give the relevant illustrations and practical application.
Great Sermon! It was a special Sunday morning message I heard from Rev. DiCanio today. The content was built on personal experience received as the recipient of God's Word. The world view he has of culture blended with the pure Gospel can only come from God. After the message ended, I researched more information about the speaker and found many bits of data (his early life, college education at BJU, and work with teens that need the Lord, both in CO, NJ, and around the world. This message was needed in 2015 as our America is changing direction away from God. Many Americans continue to love the Lord and work to reverse this decline in the churches and neighborhoods of ours. Thank you for your response to God's calling each day!
Smart and valid considerations The account about Lloyd Jones was very interesting."lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left." "And the remnant ... shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward:"Isaiah 37:4, and 37:31 May this be so.