Wow! Thank you Pastor, for this magnificent truth filled sermon. So many great verses and so much truth that the world needs now. It helps so much to hear absolute truth taught during a time so filled with lies. God Bless!
Great Sermon! Brother Adam, may the Lord bless you as you blessed us with this wonderful. Sermon. We are listening to as many sermons of yours as we can, as fast as we can.
Thank you
Sam Rafeedie
Sensible considerations "The LORD brings the counsel of the heathen to nought: he makes the devices of the people of none effect".
May this be the believer's trust and rest.
Great Sermon! An absolutely brilliant message very appropriate for our time. I enjoyed your ministry when you came at Ballymena Free Bible conference
When Love Becomes Rebellious John 3:16 is often used as a proof text for universal love, even though John 3:1-36 mentions being born again as well as The Wrath of The Lord and Condemnation. It should be noted that John 3:16 also confirms justification by Faith in Christ Alone. The Lord's Mercy is demonstrated in the simplicity of salvation by Faith in Christ Alone. It should be stated that any "love" devoid of righteousness is really the sin of rebellion. We must demonstrate mercy and compassion, but not to the point where such mercy and compassion becomes rebellious.
Every believer hear this What a timely and convicting sermon, thank you pastor for this. Very much needed this to get back up and keep contending for the faith
Great Sermon! This is a great sermon introducing Thomas Brooks and presenting, in sermonic form, how Christ is precious to us as our present portion in life. I could not recommend this more as a great introduction to Brooks and a readable Puritan work.
Great Sermon! An outstanding message on homosexuality in a time when many churches are entering into sinful compromises. Dr. McKnight's sermon is also Biblically balanced, not merely pointing a finger at the decaying world, but calling upon believers to examine themselves.
Very much needed This sermon is much needed in today’s America. Thank you Dr. John for another timely message. Ministered to my wife and I’s soul!