Great Sermon! Sadly, so many church members do not understand the value of corporate prayer! Thank you for this excellent sermon on why we need to participate in prayer corporately! I pray that many will heed this message and understand that the Lord wants us to pray with each other for the benefit of his body and the for the unsaved and unreached!
Great Sermon! But... Dear Brian,
I enjoyed your talks but I have to say that you do not really understand the true nature of clinical depression and anxiety disorder. Clinical depression is an organic illness that doesn't come about because of negative situations as in the Biblical examples like Noah etc. Negative life experiences can bring the symptoms to the surface but they do not CAUSE the depression. The ILLNESS is always present below the surface and crisis brings it out in the form of a breakdown of one kind or another. Clinical depression is an ORGANIC illness and not just in the mind. Depressed Christians are not disobedient. If they don't do the things they wish they could like GOING TO WORK, its because they physically can not do it. Believe it or not we do pray, we do trust in God and do our small part as we are able. Please try to see depression not as a figment of someones imagination but see it as an illness in the same way as diabetes or cancer.
God bless your ministry.