Wonderful Testimony Rev Mercer,
Thank you for sharing your testimony. It is valuable listening and helpful in understanding the Lord further.
I give thanks to the Lord for calling you to His service. I've been searching and searching for a while for a preacher that doesn't make me feel 'stressed' or 'bored' as I listen, since each preacher has a style. I would pray to the Lord saying "there is no preacher or church that I feel happy to listen to or attend". The Lord then lead me to your sermons. Your preaching is perfect. God bless you and your family.
No hope in the pope What The Lord will say to every Roman Catholic pope on Judgment Day before casting them into the Lake of Fire.
Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Remember Matthew 25:41.
Christ Is The Ark This very detailed, outstanding sermon helps to show that, from Genesis to Revelation, the WHOLE BIBLE IS CHRISTIANITY (all 66 Books). In other words, Justification by Faith ALONE in Christ ALONE is the ONLY way to escape the coming judgment of God upon all of mankind and then being subsequently sentenced to the nether regions of Hell. Biblical Christianity is the one true religion of all of mankind and of all the earth, and all of the other so-called "great religions" are false, fatal, and soul-damning. Be you a Mohammedan, a Roman Catholic, or a Christ=hating socialist and secular humanist, your ONLY hope is to flee to Christ, the second Person of the glorious Trinity.
Great thrilling Sermon! This was a lively and encouraging account of the Welsh revival of 1904. It's so good. If you need a shot in the spirit as it were and an encouragement for the soul, listen with interest, it's very satisfying in it's zeal and exhortation.
Great Sermon! Thank you Pastor for the blessed teaching. I was meditating on the words "take your words " for a couple of days & looking at various commentaries. Your exposition has cleared all my doubts & will encourage me to take my words to Our Lord. Thank you.
Reality check Remarkably, complacency sets in churches when collective and personal standards on practical issues are dismissed. One of the marks of Neo-evangelicalism is the distribution of God’s precepts in a scale of importance according to a secularised set of values. We read that "The LORD …. will 'magnify' the law, and make it honourable". (Isaiah 42) In contrast, we try to 'diminish' the precepts to make them despicable.
Great work of God. Blessed work of God! Blessed spirit of prayer, burden for revival and for the state of the church, for the lost! Oh, for more of these!