What a Blessed God We Have How wonderful of God to reveal Himself through the teaching His servant Dr. Green to me...personally, particularly, really, wonderfully. This series continues to be a great source of encouragement day after day as the Spirit speaks through these messages to my soul and spirit.
Thank you, Father, Son, Spirit, for your plan, your execution of that plan, and your revelation of that plan to one who deserves nothing be wrath, and instead found infinite love, mercy and grace. Praise your Holy Name.
Blessed Preaching! Beautiful and blessed help to God's scattered flock are these sermons on The Lord Jesus Christ.
Bless your servant Lord, and those that hear him, that many might see Jesus, to Your Glory and Honor and Praise.
God used this sermon to bless me How carefully and reverently Dr. Green opens up these passages so that we can see more fully the mind and working of God in all our lives, through His dealings with His Apostle Paul.
And inspite of my foolish decisions already made, perhaps, if we listen, to prevent us from making as many such in the future.
Also, such insights help to make better sense out of the whole book of Acts, and tie together the loose ends, and incongruencies, which I have wondered about for years.
I praise God for leading me to these sermons in answer to prayer, and may He help me to "do the will of God", "do the will of God", is my prayer, and also,
May He bless you Dr. Green.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, Thank you for your wonderful message. You make it sound so real... I wanted to meet Joseph and shake his hand. That is the effect of true anointing. God bless you, your family and church
In Christ alone
Lia Leigh
Wonderful Message! Amen! Please notice that this wonderful message does not teach "eternal security"...(that once saved we can live as we please, etc), but it proclaims the correct view: The Perserverance of the saints! Or even better, the Perserverance of God IN His saints!
Psalms 138:8 ... The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me...
Great Sermon! Amen! I love this message because it is about one of my favorite Bible topics!
All true believers are (by faith alone) clothed with the imputed righteousness of Christ...and made acceptable in the Beloved...the Lord Jesus Christ!
Great Sermon! Amen! Hear this wonderful message from Hebrews about "Running the race for God"...
What will your destination be? This teaches us about our human responsibility in this important matter of our eternal salvation.
Great Sermon! Is Christ your Anchor of the Soul? Very interesting sermon for the believer who has the true Hope and for the unbeliever who needs the only Hope... why only Christians can confidently say 'we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end'!!!
Great Sermon! Another great sermon from the disciples series.
James was the first of the disciples to be martyred,and so there is always something new and fresh in various thoughts to build the saints up in their most holy faith.
This is one of the main reasons i enjoy listening to this brother preach.
He must put in a tremendous amount of study,as well as the Lord blessing that study,for i have listened to quite a few sermons now,and there has been something new to ponder on every one.
i am so pleased that the Lord has ,in providence,led me to this series,i cannot rate them highly enough.
Thankyou brother Green for placing them on sermonaudio for us to listen to,enjoy,and use in our walk on the pilgrim pathway.
Another wow Sermon! Anonther wow sermon from this disciple series.
If you like illiteration,then you will not be dsiappointed as Mr.Green uses illiteration in his messages.
Again, the depth of study that this speaker puts in,and delivers ,in his sermons is quite incredible.
Yet he never takes the listener in
depths that they lose the link,or long words which one needs a dictionary next to the Bible to refer to !
Brilliant series,which it would be joy to come back to in the future DV.
I am also looking forward to the series on the twelve sons of Jacob.
What a series,what a preacher !
Another superb sermon! Once again, brother Green opens up a treasure chest of good things to deliver to the souls of the listeners .
So much practical teaching,so much personal testimnony, and so much preached truth, all rolled into one (of many) sermons on the Lord's disciples.
These sermons on the disciples are,in my opinion,absolutely top drawer,may the Lord bless these sermons on the disciples to many of His own,to the glory of His name.
Great Sermon! New words would have to be minted to capture the excellence of this sermon--Delivered with enthusiasm, clarity, and superb diction--What a joy to listen to this man----One of the best--Dr. Edward Rosenstein-
Great Sermon! I have always been intrigued by the other Judas,so to speak,the one who was not the traitor, and am delighte dto know that there is a sermon based upon him.
I am really enjoying this series on the disciples by the Rev.Green.
Pastor Green has a heart for the Word of God not only to be a comfort to the Lord's people,but also a challenge to the way the saints live in a God glorifying way,and also as a hammer to break the stony heart of the unbeleiver.
It has been a real tonic to my soul to hear this brother in general,and this series in particular.In fact i cannot get enough of this glorious preaching,i am SO enthusiastic about it and heartily recommend these sermons to anyone !
Great Sermon! This is the second sermon on the disciples in this series that i have listened to,and i realise now that i have found a special series indeed.
Brother Green brings out so much,a goldmine of gospel truth,and practical instruction to the saints.
We are so blessed to be able to listen to preaching like this on sermonaudio.
And the icing on the cake for me and my wife is that we now know that Bro Green's pastorate is at a church only ten miles from where we live !
Blessed indeed !
WOW ! Simon Zelotes is only mentioned in scripture as a named disciple,nothing is recorded for us of what he said or did.
Yet brother Green brings out so much in this sermon,much of which is so practically challenging, and Christ exalting.
Only last week did i listen to my first sermon from the Calvary church ,Bedfont pulpit,on sermonaudio, since then i have listened to a few more sermons ,and Naomi and myself have had our first visit to the church and heard brother Green in person,and had a wonderfully warm welcome from the saints that gather there.
The Lord has truly blessed us, we are so delighted in this glorious providence !
I look forward to listening to the rest of the disciples sermons, and maybe finding a spiritual home in this church.
Great Sermon! My mother and I heard Brian Green with Dr. Paisley in Cape May, NJ in the late 1960's. We never forgot his preaching on Nehemiah. Brother Green has a very unique way of presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ through the O.T. that few have. His messages on the life of Jacob have touched my life in a way that I would have not thought possible. These messages are well worth the time you take to hear them. They will change your life for Christ.
Great Sermon! A wonderful message...thank you!
May God continue to bless your ministry!
Sure wish I could have heard good preaching like that when I was much younger... but one is never "too old"
to learn about the great doctrine of our election in Christ before the foundation of the world!