America's False Hope Aside from the many sins of America, many Americans believe in a false gospel of salvation through works. Then again, wherever you go in the world, not just America, the majority of humanity denies Salvation by Faith in Jesus Christ alone and His Finished Work on Calvary's Cross. As simple as the plan of salvation is, it flies in the face of most Americans.
Not to mention that John Calvin warned that the human heart is a factory of idols. And what is one of the places where this factory of idols is most prevalent as John Calvin warned about? The answer is the United States of America. Aside from sinful pride, including national patriotism, another major sin in America is that of idolatry since men and women across America idolize sports, both amateur and professional. There are too many major sins of America to list, but one of the big ones are pride, idolatry, and of course, fornication.
How ironic, but disastrous, for Americans to put their faith in a false gospel of salvation through works while committing fornication and idolatry at the same time. No wonder Hell and the Lake of Fire will be full of the majority of humanity.
Great Sermon! "We love him, because he first loved us." (I John 4:19) So thankful that the love of Christ is still conquering hearts, and that it has conquered mine!
Amen! Thank you Dr. Allison for the wonderful message this morning. I strongly sensed the authority of God as you delivered enough theology to probably fill a month of sermons! God's compassion for His children is sometimes a difficult thing to remember in times of failure, but He always draws us back in that surrendering response that seems no less a miracle than when we first responded. Non-conformity and humble separation are battles I fight, with mixed results, as I daily lead my family, and God's sweet compassion for us is the thing of which we must remain aware. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance...daily! Praise God! By the way, I grew up AofG, but never really felt charismatic, in the way they exhibit it, but as my family listened to the sermon this morning, I couldn't help but utter an "Amen" or two.
Great Sermon! Very convicting concerning the necessity to do more to bring the lost to Jesus, and especially my own family members! How easy it is to become discouraged, and then complacent about their lost condition, and take it as just a normal fact of life; but that should never be! There can be no room for discouragement in this matter, but one must always pray and work for their salvation!
A Heartfelt Sermon This was a very straightforward and heartfelt message. Enemies have indeed crept into Christian churches, probably without exception, ...I guess since the early years of mankind. However, there seems to be a wave of wolves in sheep clothing in our time. My heart broke as Dr. Cairns spoke of his Godly jealousy for the church he pastored for so many years. It has been a beacon to the world in its many decades of existence. Like a lighthouse, it has even drawn, and is drawing, saints from parts near and far to be used by God under its leadership and care. My family will continue to pray for the family of believers in that church as we live out our own Spirit-lead journey, asking the LORD for the grace that would edify the believers while silencing the wolves, until that loving grace brings them into the fold. It's been a blessing to listen to one of the great leaders of the FPC these past few weeks, and although, as he said, he is no Paul, he is still a mighty pastor, "jealous" for the flock he once served so well.
Great comfort. Blessed message for my heart. How blessed to know that I am not anymore alone, in life or death, but Christ is with me and I am with Him!
Great blessing. This was a blessed message for my soul. Blessed salvation, tragic blindness of natural man, great power of God in opening the eyes to see His Gospel!