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Grace Baptist Church
Michael Phillips, Henry Wiley  |  Fremont, California
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Grace Baptist Church
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"Great Message!"
Angela Wittman from Southern Illinois
Dr. Lee went to be with the Lord in 2011 and this message is not only a wonderful tribute to him, but also a reminder to us that...
Michael J. Phillips | Church History
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Sermon9/11/05 3:07 PM
Norman Smith from New Haw, Surrey, England  
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Church History #18 Charles Spurgeon
Michael J. Phillips
“ Inspiring Sermon! ”
I am quite surprised that this sermon has not had a comment yet. It was most inspiring to hear, in a nutshell, the biography of the "prince of preachers", and I learned so much about him. I was particularly enthralled with the account of his conversion, and his hearts desire for the poor, as in orphans. Surprised that he was called home at the early age of 55, but what a legacy he left to the church. Bless the Lord for raising up such a person, not least in the sermons he preached, which are readily available.

Sermon8/12/05 8:18 PM
Norman Smith from New Haw, Surrey, UK  
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Church History Francis Lee 1934-
Michael J. Phillips
“ very uplifting Sermon! ”
The sermon overview gives one the brief insight of what this sermon is about. It is a remarkable subject, all praise to the Lord in His grace using this dear servant of Christ in such a way. Uplifting, encouraging and challenging all at the same time, in searching our own hearts on our pilgrim pathway. Thanks bro Phillips.

Sermon5/8/05 3:56 PM
Norman Smith from New Haw, Surrey,UK  
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Puritan view on Backsliding #3
Michael J. Phillips
“ A warning to EVERY believer! ”
My wife and I have listened to the three sermons on backsliding by dear brother's Phillips gleanings from Richard Baxter. All aspects of the signs of backsliding are covered, and are a warning to every believer to take heed. Blessedly there are encouragements to those who are worried that they are in a backslidden state, but are not.(e.g. not up to reading the scriptures one day, due to an illness), and also encouragements not to backslide in the first place, but what will be a great help to some is what to do if you ARE in a backslidden state, and the repentance needed to get out of it. These sermons are a real blessing again in practical Godliness. Thank you bro' Phillips, but above all thank thee Lord Jesus.

Sermon5/8/05 3:46 AM
Norman Smith from New Haw, Surrey, UK  
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Puritan Work Ethics #1
Michael J. Phillips
“ Update on my last comment ”
By God's grace, I have tried to implement the message I heard (see my first comment)in a new job, under a new boss. What I did not anticipate, and needed the victory over, was that I was employed for six hours a day. My predecessor, whom I replaced, was employed for 8-10 hours a day. My new boss kept this information quiet at my interview, but expected me to do the same work! A real trial this has been to me, and the old nature could easily rebel! Thanks pastor Phillips for your calming ministry, which not only challenges, but encourages as well.

Sermon4/7/05 12:20 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A wonderful message....explains how we are justified by faith alone! Thank you! I wish I could have heard good preaching like this years ago!

Sermon3/6/05 5:16 AM
Norman and Naomi Smith from New Haw, Surrey,UK  
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Puritan view on Gratitude to God #3
Michael J. Phillips
“ Sweet, but so practical Sermon! ”
My wife and I have just finished listening to this mini series on gratitude to God, and have been blessed, as usual, by bro' Phillips gracious, and challenging ministry. Thank you to all concerned in making this sermon available.

Sermon2/21/05 11:45 PM
Barney Cissell from Texas  Contact via email
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Lessons in Proverbs #16 (Humility)
Michael J. Phillips
“ Jesus Bless you Brother Phillip ”
I really enjoy your sermons, as you stay true to God's Word and display true reverence for it! I am truly fed and ejoy downloading and listening over and over again, while following along in my Bible! Praise God for your ministry. Thank you sir.

Sermon2/11/05 10:38 AM
Rev Dr Paul Blackham from Central London, UK  Contact via email
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Puritan Matthew Henry Genesis 1 #1
Michael J. Phillips
“ Brilliant Series! ”
I want to offer you the very warmest gratitude I can for your sermons on SermonAudio. You have done such a wonderful service to the worldwide church of Jesus. I too am a real enthusiast for the Puritans, but I have never thought of preaching through a passage with Matthew Henry before. It is brilliant. It was so strengthening and joyful to hear your Matthew Henry sermons. Thank you again

Sermon1/8/05 7:23 PM
Jessica Dawson from Vancouver Island, British Clumbia  Contact via email
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Puritan Speech (Babbling) #6
Michael J. Phillips
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was greatly moved and edified by this sermon. For the one who wants their conversation to be pleasing to God; this sermon gives humble exhortation and guidance. I think that everyone would be blessed by this sermon, for as Christ says, "By your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned."

Sermon11/16/04 5:15 PM
Anne from Canada  
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Church History John Gill 1697-1771
Michael J. Phillips
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor Phillips for setting the record straight in a day when John Gill is called a hyper Calvinist because he didn't believe in the "free offer" of the Gospel.

Sermon10/18/04 12:48 AM
Graeme Daley  Contact via email
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“ challange, and encouraging Series! ”
Just a note to say thank you for the blessing, challenge, and encouragement I have received from listening to your preaching on Sermonaudio.com. God has used your ministry (particularly the Thomas Brooks series) in my life and ministry. I hope you can continue to add sermons to Sermonaudio.com. Just thank you - and may God bless you ministry. My prayer that you personally will be very much aware of God's presence and his hand holding you and your family. Nothing is too wonderful for God - God loves with EVERLASTING love. As I write this, my prayers are for you.

Sermon9/18/04 11:11 AM
Paul Westcott from Owen Sound Ontario Canada  
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Church History#01 Early Church 30 - 311
Michael J. Phillips
“ Great Sermon! ”
Listened to the message yesterday and it stirred my heart the rest of the day and I am still thinking about it. The cost of evangelism in the early church leaves us with an awesome inheritance and serious soul searching as we face the future.

Sermon8/13/04 7:20 PM
William Amoral from Quartzsite, AZ  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I Thank You for the sermon. In the time where men cannot talk about God. You have shown that men can stand if they really believe God. When Christ is in the heart, men can preach. I live in the desert, this sermon was the freshest water I have ever had here. I praise God for the good you folks do. This is the only way I might have fresh flowing water of truth. In Christ: Joe Amoral

Sermon8/13/04 3:10 PM
Norman Smith from New Haw, England  Contact via email
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Lessons in Proverbs #16 (Humility)
Michael J. Phillips
“ Search your heart Sermon! ”
Thank you brother Phillip for your challenging, but gracious, ministry. This sermon is one of the most heart searching I have EVER heard. Satan would keep us comfortable in a counterfeit humility, and meekness in the things of the Lord, which is just fleshy and carnal. To those who truly want to follow Christ, and should not we all with a Biblical humility and meekness, which is based on the grace given to us in the new birth, should listen to this sermon. I am about to listen to it for the second time, as I want the Lord to instill this Christian attribute into my very being, for I need to be much challenged in this so important area of Christian living. I enjoy listening to brother Phillip, for it is proof that one does not have to shout about to have an impact, when the Holy Spirit quickens a word to the soul, one knows

Sermon8/2/04 4:32 PM
a listener from from Belize  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a great story so far (I've listened through #3) and very good reader!

Sermon8/1/04 3:54 PM
Norman Smith from New Haw, England  Contact via email
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Puritan Work Ethics #1
Michael J. Phillips
“ Awesome practical sermon for workers! ”
Thank you brother Phillips for bringing before us thoughts for employees, basing them on Richard Baxter's comments on this issue. As a low paid employee who cleans for a living, I have had a mental problem with well-paid "bosses" and lazy workmates. Thankfully, the Lord has been showing me where I have had sinful tendencies and an unbiblical attitude in this matter. I have to be a doer of the word, as well as a hearer, and I know this will be difficult, but must repent of what has been sinful, and by God's grace I shall serve the Lord Christ from now on. O Lord, I must decrease and thou must increase in this area.

Sermon7/13/04 11:50 AM
Paula Visser  Contact via email
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Children Prophets & Bears #1
Michael J. Phillips
“ Testimony ”
A few weeks after I listened to the message on “The Prophet, the Bears and the Children”, I was listening to a lady at my church complain about some children she knew who mocked the things of God. I told her about this message, and ended up making a copy of it so she could listen to it at home. They sat down on their bed and put the message in to listen to it, when, after about 10 minutes, their youngest son (3rd grade) came in and sat down with them. He said, "I like this, momma" and continued to listen. After a few more minutes their oldest son (11th grade) came in and started listening as well. The parents looked at each other and said, "we need to get Brittany in here too." So they brought their daughter (6th grade) in and started from the beginning. After the message was over, they sat in their bedroom with their children, all discussing the message for 2 hours! My friend told me that they were talking to their children about the danger of mocking the things of God just a couple weeks before that, and now their children were hearing the message very bluntly and poignantly from the lips of a preacher in California. Let me tell you, it made a totally different and more powerful impact on the children as they recognized the seriousness of it like they hadn't before

Sermon7/9/04 11:58 AM
Paula from South Carolina  Contact via email
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Church History#01 Early Church 30 - 311
Michael J. Phillips
“ Praise be to God ”
I just wanted to let you know that my husband and I have listened to almost all of the sermons in the church history series by Michael Phillips, and a good deal of other sermons on other topics. We made mp3 copies of the church history messages and distributed them to a group of our friends. Three of our friends are leaving for East Asia today as they are going to encourage a brother who is laboring for Christ over there. We sent a cd with all of the church history messages with them to give to this brother. These messages have been such a blessing to us and our faith, that I just wanted to thank you and encourage you to keep on serving the Lord in the sincerity and truth of the message. May souls be turned and God be glorified!!

Sermon6/23/04 4:25 PM
Terry Flood from Toledo, Ohio  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon / Series! ”
I have been greatly blessed by this entire series of messages. Coming from a strong, judgemental fundamentalist background, this series has so humbled me by revealing so many blind-spots that are prevalent in those circles. Praise the Lord for preserving the expository work done by Brooks and for having Phillips glean even more for us today.

Sermon5/2/04 3:52 AM
Norman Smith from Surrey UK  
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Puritan Speech (Humor) #5
Michael J. Phillips
“ discerning Sermon! ”
Brother Phillips, using some of the writings of Richard Baxter as the base, points out what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, in the realm of humour in relation to our souls good, and the glory of God, and we must be sensitive to these, as well as the feelings of others, and when our humor must be appropriate and inappropriate. Plenty of scripture is used in this sermon, and is preached in a gracious way. This was a good, practical sermon, very discerning. Thank you brother Phillips for this most discerning sermon.

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