Great Sermon! Sooo rich. I've added to my most fav sermons folder on my phone. I'm doing catchup of your sermons I've missed over the last month or so. You always bless me by your expounding of His holy Word, and this is no exception. The reiterating of this profound truth is truly a gracious blessing. Thank you.
Thank you for a faithful exposition Thank you, Pastor Richard, for faithfully proclaiming God's Word. What a precious passage. May God not allow us to be satisfied apart from Him.
Great Sermon! Little did he know that while he was seeking Jesus, Jesus had already been seeking him because the Father was drawing him. So good. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Your message is so encouraging. Thank you for all your messages on doubt. It's helping me to realize how good and faithful the Lord has been to me in the past, which helps me to know He will help me now.
Thank you,
Great Sermon! Love this message. We have no doubt that God Is holding us because we absolutely know there is nowhere else to go because we are convinced that Jesus alone has the Word of life.
Great Sermon! I never thought of Pvb. 31 being addressed to a man to use as a description of what to look for in a wife. Great point. I agree with pastor that to have a wife like this is a blessing. I have always viewed my wife as a gift from God and I get emotional when God reminds me about this through his word. I can't wait for the rest of the series