About conscience This sermon gives me much to think about. Thank you for this teaching about the precious gif of conscience that God gives to us all.
Right On! I agree 100%!! Now that the voting part of the election is over, we citizens have to watch the system like hawks to make sure no one corrupts the counting of the votes. These are perilous times for our nation. Those who love this country must keep informed and stand up for what is right. We also need to kneel before God in prayer for the preservation of America.
Beautiful It is good to be reminded of the vastness of the eternal God contrasted to the frailty of man. The amazing thing is that He cares so tenderly for us. He left His domain to come to Earth, became one of us, took on our sins, our punishment, in order to save us. Amazing love indeed!
America and American People must come first Thanks you for sharing this wonderful message...God bless America and their Present Donald Trump....God bless you all today...
Great Sermon! I agree with you. The only problem is .... these people never show what they are really like until they get in office! YOU CAN'T RUN FOR PRESIDENT UNLESS YOU ARE RICH! ABE LINCOLN COULD NEVER BE PRES TODAY!!!!!
What a wonderful Bible study Jesus Christ is the first born from the dead and He holds the keys of death and of Hades. Thank you brother for sharing this wonderful Bible study about what happens to us when we die...
Bringing Israel back to God Thank you Brother for sharing this wonderful message of how God is is going to bring Israel back to Himself. I pray that many people all around the worlde will get to listen to this message. God bless you Brother
Great Sermon! This series is breath taking. Everyone should listen to these messages & be prepared. Thank you Doc Jim for taking time to do these messages on Islam & The End Times
Great Sermon! This series is breath taking. Everyone should listen to these messages & be prepared. Thank you Doc Jim for taking time to do these messages on Islam & The End Times
Great Sermon! This series is breath taking. Everyone should listen to these messages & be prepared. Thank you Doc Jim for taking time to do these messages on Islam & The End Times