Speaker: Dr. James M. Phillips
4,691 sermons
#169 The Real Islam & the End Times
#169 The Real Islam & the End Times Dr. Jim Phillips teaches Systematic Theology from the Book of Revelation 12:1-17 Daniel 6:24-7:1-28.. If anyone would like to make a donation , all donations no matter how small will be appreciated. Thank you. Our Address in Fish Lake Valley is POB 121 Dyer, Nevada 89010. You may also make a donation by pushing the support button at the top of this page. You Can make your donation through paypal or any credit card. Thank You IRS EIN # 82-5114777
>Systematic Theology#1 Theology - 2/13/2017 Systematic Theology#2 Theology - 2/13/2017 Sys Theology#3 Revelation - 2/16/2017 Sys Theology#4 Conscience - 2/17/2017 Sys Theology#5 In Prophecy - 2/19/2017 Sys Theology#6 Spirit World - 2/19/2017 Sys Theology#7 Gift of Reason - 2/19/2017 Sys Theology#8 Theism - 2/19/2017 9 Is Matter Eternal? - 2/20/2017 Sys Theology#10 Idea of God - 2/21/2017 Sys Theology#11 Atheism - 2/21/2017 Sys Theology#12 Pantheism - 2/25/2017 Sys Theology#13 Dualism - 2/28/2017 Sys Theology#14 Bibliology - 3/13/2017 Sys Theology#15 Bibliology#2 - 3/14/2017 Sys Theology#16 Prophecy - 3/15/2017 Sys Theology#17 Canon - 3/16/2017 Sys Theology #18 Canon - 3/17/2017 Sys Theology #19 History - 3/19/2017 Sys Theology #20 Final Canon - 3/19/2017 Sys Theology#21 Inspiration - 3/20/2017 #22 Inspiration Theories - 3/22/2017 Sys Theology#23 Person of God - 3/28/2017 24 Attributes of God - 4/4/2017 25 Attributes of God - 4/15/2017 Sys Theology#26 Love of God - 4/16/2017 27 Unity & Trinity of God - 4/18/2017 28 Trinity The Son - 4/25/2017 Sys Theology#29 Holy Spirit - 5/1/2017 Sys Theology#30 Decrees of God - 5/2/2017 31 Decrees Eternal - 5/7/2017 32 Order of Decrees - 5/9/2017 33 Prevenient Grace - 5/14/2017 34 Comparative Religion Study - 5/16/2017 35 Theories vs Bible - 5/21/2017 36 Theories of Creation - 5/23/2017 Sys Theo37 Riddle of Election - 6/11/2017 38 Creation vs Evolution - 6/13/2017 39 Anthropology Creation - 6/18/2017 40 Seeing God in Creation - 6/20/2017 Sys Theo41 Why Did He? - 7/9/2017 42 Unpreventable Preservation - 7/11/2017 ST#43 Election & Preservation - 7/16/2017 44 God in Providence - 7/18/2017 ST#45 Sovereignty - 7/23/2017 46 Hardest Question Ever Asked - 8/8/2017 ST47 The Free Acts of Men - 8/20/2017 ST48 Sovereignty & Decrees - 9/10/2017 ST#49 The God of Providence - 9/12/2017 #50 Wild Cows & Loco Weed - 9/17/2017 51 Why Do You Believe in God? - 10/1/2017 #52 Angelology - 10/22/2017 ST#53 Angelology - 11/5/2017 ST#54 What Are Angels? - 11/12/2017 ST#55 Angels & Demons - 11/26/2017 ST#56 It's All About Angels - 11/28/2017 ST#57 The Work of Angels - 12/3/2017 58 Work & Destiny of Angels - 12/5/2017 59 Doctrine & The Devil - 12/23/2017 60 About Angels & The Devil - 1/7/2018 61 Wickedness in High Places - 1/9/2018 62 Anthropology - 1/23/2018 Bible, Mankind & Athiesm - 1/28/2018 64 Social Animals - 2/18/2018 65 There was Only One Adam - 2/25/2018 66 Is Man Dual or Triune? - 2/25/2018 67 Triune God Triune Man - 2/25/2018 68 A Sociopathic Society - 2/27/2018 69 The Will of Man & Angels - 2/28/2018 70 Origin of The Soul - 3/14/2018 71 Origin & Destiny of Soul - 3/18/2018 72 Anatomy of The Fall - 3/18/2018 73 Anatomy of the Soul - 3/18/2018 The Law of Death - 3/20/2018 75 Happy Days - 3/22/2018 76 The Burden of Sin - 3/25/2018 77 Terrible Infection of Sin - 4/4/2018 78 The Vehicle of Temptation - 4/8/2018 79 Sin & Evil Are Not Eternal - 4/8/2018 80 Results of The Fall - 4/8/2018 81 Power & Imputation of Sin - 4/29/2018 82 Sin'sTentacles on Mankind - 4/29/2018 83 Depravity Guilt/Punishment - 5/13/2018 Soteriology Study of Salvation - 5/27/2018 85 A Message for Atheists - 8/1/2018 Soteriology: Person of Jesus - 8/5/2018 God's Unpreventable Progress - 9/9/2018 God's Progressive Revelation - 9/12/2018 #89 The Holy Trinity Defined - 9/16/2018 #90 Holy Trinity Defined - 9/16/2018 91 Humiliation of Christ Jesus - 9/26/2018 92 The Humanity of Christ - 9/30/2018 93 Does God Love You? Election - 10/3/2018 #94 Meaning of The Death of.. - 10/17/2018 True Meaning, Death of Christ - 10/21/2018 No Gospel Without Resurrection - 11/4/2018 Full Meaning of Resurrection - 11/4/2018 98 Led to the Grace of God - 11/7/2018 The Atonement & Sovereignty - 11/11/2018 99 Tulip & The Atonement - 11/11/2018 Fine Points of Election - 11/28/2018 Justification & Regeneration - 12/2/2018 Repentance, Faith & Conversion - 12/2/2018 Doctrine Whiothesia Adoption - 12/5/2018 The Process of Sanctification - 12/24/2018 That Most Dagerous Doctrine - 12/26/2018 107 The Means of Grace - 1/27/2019 108 What Does The Word Do? - 1/29/2019 Scriptural Prayer & Word - 1/30/2019 Evolution of Worship - 2/3/2019 111 What The Church is Not; - 2/3/2019 Mystery of Church, Kingdom - 2/6/2019 113 The Church as an Organism - 3/3/2019 The Ecclesiastical Evolution - 3/3/2019 Abortion, Crime, Humanity - 3/20/2019 116 Myths @ The 2nd Coming - 3/24/2019 117 That is Prophecy - 3/24/2019 118 If You Believe in Prophecy - 3/27/2019 119 Do You Believe in.. - 3/31/2019 Do You Believe in 2nd Coming? - 3/31/2019 Understanding 2nd Coming - 4/3/2019 122 2nd Coming Debate Issues - 4/14/2019 123 2nd Coming debate Issues - 4/15/2019 124 The Resurrection - 4/17/2019 #125 Stewardship & Rewards - 4/21/2019 126 The Bride, Guests,&.. - 4/21/2019 #127 You Can Take It With You - 4/24/2019 Hell is a Long Time - 5/1/2019 #129 End Times Studies - 5/5/2019 #130 End Times Studies - 5/5/2019 #131 End Times Studies - 5/8/2019 #132 End Times Studies - 5/30/2019 #135 Understanding the Future - 6/2/2019 Past, Present, & Future - 6/2/2019 Past, Present, Future - 6/2/2019 2nd Death, future - 6/12/2019 #137 Understanding the Future - 7/21/2019 To Understand The.Future - 7/26/2019 To Understand the.Past - 7/27/2019 #140 False Messiahs & Prophets - 10/9/2019 #141 Called & Named by God - 10/13/2019 #142 Named By God, New Name - 10/17/2019 #143 Why Democracies Fail - 10/18/2019 #144 The Church Age is Over - 10/25/2019 #145 A Glimpse of Glory - 10/27/2019 #146 Learning How to Worship - 10/27/2019 #147 Love Letters to God - 11/9/2019 #148 Sacred Songs of The Bible - 11/14/2019 #149 Terror Unimaginable - 11/15/2019 #150 The Horses of Islam - 11/17/2019 #151 No More Free Enterprise - 11/22/2019 #152 The Caliphate Restored - 11/23/2019 #153 The Tribulation Saints - 2/19/2020 End Time Participants - 3/1/2020 Players in the Last Empire - 3/5/2020 The Savior of The World - 3/8/2020 ST #157 The Grace of God - 7/27/2020 ST #158 A Real Spooky Ride - 7/28/2020 #159 Hell on Earth - 7/30/2020 Inhabitants of the Abyss - 7/31/2020 Inhabitants & Citizens of.. - 8/20/2020 #162 The Inhabitants of Hades - 8/30/2020 #163 Why The Tribulation.. - 9/21/2020 #164 Why The Tribulation.. - 10/1/2020 #165 Why The Tribulation.. - 10/2/2020 #166 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/4/2020 #167 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/7/2020 #168 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/8/2020 #169 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/13/2020 #170 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/15/2020 #171 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/23/2020 #172 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/24/2020 #173 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/26/2020 #174 The Real Islam & the.. - 10/29/2020 #175 The Real Islam & the.. - 11/4/2020 #176 The Real Islam & the.. - 11/5/2020 #177 The Anti-Christ Revealed - 11/11/2020 #178 The Religious Harlot.. - 11/14/2020 #179 A Rough Ride Ahead - 11/18/2020 #180 Lex Talionis Paybacks.. - 11/19/2020 #181 Divine Retribution - 11/22/2020 #182 The Religious Jezebel - 11/25/2020 #183 The Bride of Christ,.. - 11/26/2020 #184 Being Thankful For.. - 11/27/2020 #185 Hell Awaits These.. - 12/1/2020 #186 Satan's Workshop - 12/2/2020 #187 Heaven, Hell.. - 12/4/2020 #188 New Jerusalem & Glory.. - 12/5/2020 ST #189 The Resurrections - 12/7/2020 #190 The Millennium.. - 12/9/2020 #191 The Gratuities of Heaven - 12/10/2020 Rapture, Millennium & Eternal - 12/11/2020 #193 The Gratuities of.. - 12/12/2020 #194 Final Complete Review.. - 12/14/2020
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Nancy (10/14/2020)from ERIE - PA
Marilyn (10/13/2020)from Fish Lake Valley, Nevada
Great Sermon! This series is breath taking. Everyone should listen to these messages & be prepared. Thank you Doc Jim for taking time to do these messages on Islam & The End Times
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