Another Rapture Sermon Dr. John Whitcomb delivered three sermons on the Rapture in this series. They are an excellent set. You may find them by date: 8-28-2004 here on Sermon Audio.
Dr Whitcomb will move you to reconsider every aspect of your Christian Days on this Earth.
Rapture Sermon Dr. Whitcomb calmly teaches that following the Rapture every Christian will stand before Jesus. Dr. Whitcomb implies that the doctrine of the Judgment Seat of Christ has been neglected or ignored the past several Centuries. Excellent Study for mature Christians.
Outstanding!! Thank God for the God-given Faith as
taught in this message. It is so
marvelous through Faith's eyes to have
been there when our Lord died as taught in this message. This is
assurance!! Thank you Dr. Whitcomb
for being so humble as you preach with so much intellect. God Bless!
Excellent!! Intelligent teaching on the Truths of
the Noahic Flood. It is such a wonderful blessing to know these truths and to realize that our God has
revealed these truths to us.
Thank you Dr. Whitcomb.
Great Sermon! I enjoyed this more than I can say. The evidence he presents for the flood and special creation is simply captivating. His delivery is just as captivating. What a wonderful man of God. I'm going to listen to all of his messages here.
Thank you, Dr. Whitcomb.
Very challenging Sermon! Brother Whitcomb brings out some thought provoking truths regarding those in scripture whom thought to treat the things of God in a light way.
Generally as in the incidents of Nadab and Abihu,Gehazi,and Achan,but specifically from Annanias and Saphirra, and the quick judgments which followed.
He also gives warning of how we must examine ourselves in what we say and do,as the Lord will not tolerate being mocked.
Usually we think of bro Whitcomb in the light of Biblical Creationism,but i have found much help and blessing in other sermons he has preached . His semons are very challenging,and this one particularly so.
Highly recommended I highly recommend this series of lessons on Bible prophecy by Dr. Thomas Ice. He is one of my favorite Bible teachers, as his clear expositions and reasoning are mixed with insights into the subtle truths of God's Word. I believe that you will find this message very valuable.
Great Sermon! Thank you bro Mike for this wonderful message, and for alerting /reminding us that Satan and his demons are alive and well on planet Earth. We need to know his trciks and devices... and your message has illustrated that. Amen
I greatly enjoyed coming across Dr. Whitcomb's audio files here. What a pleasant surprise. We've even recently featured him & your files-site, from -- "Connecting Driven Christians in the Racing Capital of the World".
Look forward to collaboratively podcasting from IndyChristian one of these days soon.
Heart warning Sermon! This is the first sermon i have listened to by this speaker,and it was really herat warming in how our brother tells of how God brought in the confusion of tongues during the building of the tower of Babel,and in this gospel age has reversed it so that missionaries go out into the world to preach the gospel. Absolutely awesome !
Blessed be God,our God !
Great Sermon! Dr. Whitcomb is truly one of the greatest teachers of the Bible in our time. My church has some of his video classes and they are indespensable. His teachings are always full of logical thought points I never would have considered. Dr. Whitcomb is also a very kind man with a terrific sense of humor, has a great voice, and is fun to listen to. He is fascinating and never boring.
Dr. Whitcomb is following, and well, Christ's command to "feed my sheep."
Important Message! I hope that many of you will listen to this message, and then take advantage of the opportunity to come to this special conference! Even, if you cannot come, however, I believe that the information presented in this interview will prove to be a blessing to you.
One of Two Hundred Plus Great Sermons I was introduced to Dr. Whitcomb indirectly while at Bob Jones University. Dr. Whitcomb’s “Genesis Flood,” was a required reading in our “Philosophy of Science,” class.
Now after downloading all his Sermon/Lectures from Sermon Audio, I can hardly express what a refreshing privilege one experiences hearing this Wonderful Preacher/Speaker. His eloquence is sweetly tempered by a humility one is given from God after a life time of seeing himself through God’s Eyes. The serious Bible Student will gain a Treasure of Knowledge and a positive boost in Christian Growth with this Lengthy Study. Two Hundred plus Sermons/Lectures are available and waiting for one desiring a better understanding of God and equally important of oneself.
Wonderful Reminder! This sermon is a wonderful introduction to remembering the first advent of Christ. It reminds where our need of a Savior began, and of God's first promise to send Him!
Great Sermon! Dr. Whitcomb,
This was the first sermon of yours I have listened to and I must say AMEN!! I couldn't agree more with you. I appreciate the way you interpret the scriptures by keeping them in complete context, so important in this day we live. So many false teachers are deceiving many by twisting the scriptures to suit their own purposes. I can hardly wait to listen to as many of your sermons as I can! There are so many that have piqued my interest. I know I will learn much from your wisdom, but of course, all the glory goes to God. Thank you so much. We need more people like you to speak the truth instead of lies.
Great Sermon! There are no words to describe how powerful these teachings are. My mind is just boggled, but I thank God that he is perfecting me to go into all the world to teach the gospel, unto salvation, that men through Jesus Christ might be saved for His glory, and unto good works. The world (and church) would be completely ignorant, except for Dr. Whitcomb's teachings. What an awesome man of God and a mighty teacher of truth. Amen....
This is a powerful message! This sermon is a wonderful presentation of the glory of our creator and sustainer, the Lord Jesus Christ! Many other listeners have also found it be such.