Great Sermon! yes you are right, most of the people that are given the office of pastor are not christians, and i want to add that, they have no passion for the Bible the word of God.......................
Dan 9:24-27 70 Weeks is 490 Days. Messiah is cutoff 7 weeks before Messiah the Prince. Covenant with many seems to indicate the people of the prince and their covenant with him. Sacrifice and oblation cannot be OT sacrifices; that covenant ended at the Crucifixion. Desolation continues until the consummation "Marriage of the Lamb" meaning after Messiah is cutoff; there is no covenant with Jesus Christ offered. I would be careful interpreting this as 70 Weeks of years. 4 possible starting dates; Cyrus, Darius and 2 by Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem, unreliable Persian king lists, and an unspecified birthdate for Jesus are no reason for Privately Interpreting this key scripture. Jesus told Gabriel to make sure Daniel understood (8:14) the last 2300 Days begin with Daily Sacrifice and end with a cleansing of the sanctuary. This made Daniel get sick and faint!
Great Sermon! A fine exposition of the subject.
The message is well explained and easy to follow.
Highly recommended for any-one that wants to understand Daniel chapter 9.
I made an error. After checking for follow-up comments and re-reading my post, I realized I made an error. I stated "I believe the last trump you are speaking of is the changing of the believers who accept Christ after the rapture during the Tribulation." The last trump in Corinthians 15:51-52 is a reference to the rapture, because Paul was speaking to the Corinthians before the Book of Revelation was even penned, so it cannot be a reference to any trumpet of Revelation. In fact, in the book "Maranatha: Our Lord Come" (chapter 15) tackles this very issue of 'the last trump' of Corinthians 15:51-52 and does a much better job of explaining this issue than I could ever do.
I apologize for my error.
Great Sermon! @Trevor:
The doctrine of the imminency of Christ is plainly taught in the whole of the New Testament. Therefore, the rapture is not secret but opponents of a pre-trib rapture like to categorize it as "secret" although it is not. There are many passages in the Bible which teach Christ could come at any moment, and, the early Church held to this view. Even Paul believed Christ could come rapture the Bride/Church in his lifetime. (Philippians 3:20)
Regarding Matthew 24, yes, there will be a second advent. At this advent he will touch down and with His coming He will remove all the unsaved and set up the Millennial Kingdom for the saved, where Jesus will rule in Jerusalem. I believe the last trump you are speaking of is the changing of the believers who accept Christ after the rapture during the Tribulation.
Don't be fooled by anyone who tries to tell you that a pre-trib rapture or a rapture in general is a new invention. The early church believed it and it is evidenced by the imminency of the coming of the Bridegroom/Jesus for His Bride/The Church, taught in the Scriptures. The Jewish Marriage Analogy is the best evidence for this. I highly recommend the book "Maranatha: Our Lord, Come!" by Renald Showers. It will answer every question you have and more.
if one likes genesis then check out the videos on google by Chuck Missler.he has some very very great lectures on this and he has done a lot of research[biblical] on this. also one of the Best i have ever heard is Michael Heiser. he also has video on google.
Inspired Sermon ! This is a wonderfully rich sermon. There are so many strands of God's wisdom here that have been revealed. It is inspiring reminding us that there is "one important thing". Well worth hearing more than once!!
Mans Opion?? I am confused about this secrete rapture. Why?
If it is secrete then it would read like this. 1 Thes: 16 For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a secrete shout, With the voice of the secrete archangle,and with the secrete trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise secretely first.
How can you have a secrete rapture on that verse.????. Try this John 11: 24-26. The Last day ???
or 1 corth: 15: 50 - 52. The Last trump??? or Math : 24: 29 - 31. Is he coming twice ???? Once secretely? then again so everyone will see Him ???. or this one Mark 13: 24-27.Is the tribulation after or before ???. Ok ok this is what Jesus said and not man. John: 5: 39 - 40. Is the last day before the rupture or after ???. See you all on the LAST DAY. God bless.
A picture of the 'last days' Really gives a true picture of where
the world and the USA is as we approach
the "last days" before Jesus returns.
Mike Wingfield has shown how far down
the path of sin our country has gone.
Every parent should look at the demonic
influence that is surrounding our
children and step in to be the parents
God meant us to be and not let society
dictate and control our youngsters
anymore. The challenge is great but
the solution is worth the effort to
save this generation from hell.
Great Clear Sermon! Thank you for your message and study you make it very simple for everyone to look up scripture and make it clear. I always enjoy your messages on the end times and please keep up your great humble work.
Most Excellent! These sermons from 'Studies in Genesis'
are so informative and such a blessing.
Thanks be to God that I believe every
God bless you Brother Whitcomb as you
Interesting debate topic This is a big topic for debate among bible believing christians. I think you can order debates on this topic of Mr. Ice and Gary Demar at This makes for some good discussion and bible study.
Great Sermon! I ran into a rather jolting piece on Google entitled "Pretrib Rapture Diehards" and would love to get someone's candid opinion of it. Lord bless. Marge
Excellent Series of Sermons! I would like to thank Dr. Whitcomb for
the studies in Daniel. As, always, he
teaches with so much love. The Word of God is so precious and I love to
hear it taught by someone that God has
so richly blessed with such intelligence. God Bless you Brother
Very enlightening You will enjoy listening to this question and answer session, as it is energized by the inquiries of some very astute students asking some really tough questions. I appreciate the answers offered by Drs. Whitcomb and Larsen.