Please Listen To BOTH Sides Of This Issue Before Making A Decision I'm going to be honest and say I don't agree with Pastor Barkman's position on this issue, but it's always good to hear from both sides of an issue. One could listen to this sermon and come to the conclusion that it's OK for Christians to drink, so long as they don't get drunk. But BEFORE you make a conclusion on this issue, I recommend you listen to a sermon by a preacher that gives a very strong argument on why all Christians should abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages. My favorite is by Dr. Greg Mazak called "The Beverage Use Of Alcohol," which can be found at this link:
Good sermon in his context. When listen to this sermon, one must remember what church context were Barkman addressing. He was trying to get the church's covenant back to the bibilical ground (from being overzealous on prohibitionists' position). However in doing so, Barkman did not stress the responsibility of the "strong in faith", who should restrain themselves for the sake of not making "the weak in faith" stumble as well. In any case, Barkman had gut to go against the grain and to speak out against legalism from the pulpit, an action which could cost him big time!
Great Sermon! Finally a biblical-driven sermon on alcohol instead of the emotional-driven ones that pick one scripture condemning drunkards or else says that wine in the Bible was really grape juice, which all honest scholars in Old or New Testaments can easily refute from simple Jewish history of wine drinking and, most importantly, the scriptures themselves. By the way, I am a non-drinker 99 percent of the time. I may have a beer or glass of wine once a year. Anyway, why did they call Jesus a winebibber if it was grape juice? Why did Paul not condemn the church for drinking alcoholic wine instead of just telling them not to overindulge in wine in church but to go home to drink? I believe alcoholics, of course, should avoid alcohol like a snake and the Bible teaches this too. But the so-called "7 deadly sins" include gluttony also. Does this mean we must practice abstinence with food? Ridiculous! Let everyone choose abstinence, which is good, if that is what their conscience tells them, but not condemn temporate, moderate drinkers. Let us unite under the banner of Christ and the Holy Spirit and not let nonessentials split us. Drunkards will not inherit the kingdom but the Lord also condemns the practice of dividing the church, judging, etc.Our town voted out wine sale so it's sold unlawful
Great Sermon! Wow! A real gem. This deserves at least 5 stars! On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 20. This is the kind of sermon the self satisfied, self centered, materialistic American church goers need to hear! Me too! This was such a well balanced and thought provoking sermon that I really wish this was the first installment of 4 parts. We need more preachers like Gregory Barkman and fewer feel good preachers. One of the many points I really loved about this sermon was that perserverence in well doing(good works) was one of the most salient indicators of salvation. He used scripture to validate the over arching importance of a lifestyle of doing good! I know we can never fulfill the requirements of the Law with good works, but I loved the way he handled this subject. It seems like so many "Christians" and Preachers belittle doing good because they fear good works and promoting the Great Comission in the most unreached areas of world are peoples efforts to work their way to heaven. I loved the way Rev. Barkman explained all this. He, like K.P.Yohannan(President of Gospel for Asia) and Ray Comfort really challange us to examine ourselves to see if we are still in the faith. We need to do this continually and think about Judgement day every day! The more we can point the finger at ourselves the better. Again this sermon deserves two big thumbs up--Way Up!
10/25/03 1:20 PM
Wade Burleson, President, Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
Excellent Exposition In my independent study of Romans 11 I came to a conclusion, based on the text, that was not consistent with many of my preterist and dispensational friends presuppositions. My ethnic revival conclusion was solidly reaffirmed through listening to Pastor Barkman's same line of thinking through this excellent expositional message. I am grateful for his ministry.
Great Sermon! Thank you. I have gone back and forth with the issue as to whether the Word said for women to wear only dresses or not. Indeed, I sadly realized how much time and energy I was devoting to this non-essential after hearing this sermon. I'm so thankful for this sermon and how it brought Romans 14 to light for me. God Bless!
Great Sermon! This is excellent!
A "must hear" by all Christians
Take heed how ye hear...;
are you believing the true gospel of God's Sovereign Grace?
It is a matter of Life and death!
There was a time in my life when I was deceived by the false "gospel" of
Arminianism..., but (after many years) the truth
has "set me free"...!
Great Sermon! Do you find yourself adrift? Are you ineffectively spinning in circles. Michael R. Karns throws out a lifeline with this sermon. With arresting simplicity the hazard of indecisiveness is exposed. The rememdy is given, and you will never forget it!
Great Sermon! I split up from my wife 18 months ago and i have been finding it hard to make sense of, but i think i have found it tonight. I have not listened to your second one yet but i will before i go to bed. If you have any other words or sermons relevent i would be forever greatfull if was possable for you to forward them to me. I truly thank you and god bless. Yours faithfully Jason.
Great Sermon! This is great sermon becausse Pastor Barkman is faithful and accurate in the exposition of the text and also very powerful it's application/exhortation.
Great Courage I have listened to Brother Barkman's message on alcohol and scripture. I have concluded he is Biblical and has the right spirit concerning the issue. It has taken great courage to face this issue, especially living here in the southland.
Great Sermon! Thank You! I'm listening and taking heed to all three of these messages. Please pray for my family that "we will" love the word of God. Pray for me for Satan has stolen from me my confidence in God's word. I will ask God for it and by faith believe in our Lord Jesus it is freely given to me. God bless you and keep you faithfully declaring the truth to us His sheep. Please e-mail me with exhortation.
Great Sermon! This was a very eye opening sermon. The message struck a chord within seeing that I have witnessed a lack for the pure truth of God's Word being preached, and our minds must be opened to seeing his word as the only answer for the world today.