GREAT Sermon!! I have got to say I reli reli enjoyed this sermon .. I was wanting to hear about the Christian and Alcohol so I cud discuss to Christians that think its ok to drink but not get drunk.. I made plenty of notes from this sermon and it has reli helped me and I've learnt a lot that I didn't know!! Will definitly be looking for more topics that I'l really benefit from!! God Bless!!!
Great Sermon! This message is a great message. There is power in the blood!!!
Thank you Brother for a message that edifies and lifts up Christ and makes us want to praise the Lord!!!
May the Lord richly bless your ministry!!!
Excellent Preacher, Excellent Sermon Its wonderfull to see a preacher with so much enthusiasm in declaring the good news of Salvation,Mr McCrea's love for the Lord Jesus Christ just pours out of him.May the Most High raise up many more to preach the Blessed Gospel with Power."He that winneth souls is wise".
Great Sermon! What a testimony, It is really encouraging to here how God saved such a man and praise God he can still do the same today if we pray and have faith to believe.It gives me encouragement to pray on for those who are hooked on drink that God can indeed save them. It is so refreshing to hear and reminds me of meetings years ago.
Great Sermon! I listened to your evening service on 26th March 2006, speaking about John the Baptist. I was listening along with my husband, his parents, his brother & sister-in-law. We thought it was a powerful message. Im glad my parents-in-law listened as they dont attend church. Hope to listen to your services if we are unable to attend mfpc.Melvin says you are a great preacher and a class singer! He also watched one of your videos today! - 'The Promised Land.' This is very encouraging for me and my husband William. God Bless.
What gospel are you listening to? Pastor McCrea compares the Gospel of Rome verses Paul's gospel in his letter to the Romans. With the opening of I Timothy 4 from the Holy Spirit about those teaching the doctrines of demons...the Pastor goes on to scripturally lay out the sound doctrines of the gospel and how the other gospel will never save those in Rome who believe in Romanism.
A message not welcome today An excellent sermon on Nehemiah 13 and the application to the necessity of ecclesiastical seperation. This is a message not welcome today as Evengelical, Protestants, Cahtolics, Liberals fall all over each other trying to embrace one another as "Christians." In all of this work at organizational unity....truth of Cherist is watered down or denied to be eccumunical.
Encouragment and Request Evang.Paul Haizel
P.O.Box Ah 8586
West Africa
Greetings Rev.Killen,
I am particularly grateful to God for your life and ministry and the fact that sincere, dedicated and commited men of God like you are around to render assistance to those of us who are now coming-up in the ministry.
Listening to your sermons has greatly affected my life and ministry as a young Evangelist who want to know God as He is and not what is said of Him.
I would therefore be grateful if you could send me a copy of your sermons( tape/cd ).
May God richly bless and equip you for the task ahead.
Shalom Peace to you and your family
Yours in the service of Christ
Excellent Sermon! A soul-searching message for those who dare to presume upon the grace of God, who think that God is under obligation to save them whenever they think the time is right.
Very Refreshing Sermon! It is very refreshing to hear a reformed preacher preach against alcohol in the lifesyle of a Christian.
By visiting the discussion on drinking and seeing the responses from other reformed Christians, it is very disheartening to see their arguing against the word of God. I just wish many others would hear and take head to the biblical warnings. Thank you Borther Killin for that message.
Great Sermon! Thank you, Rev McCrea, for this telling exposition of the blasphemous RC cult of mariolatry which is leading many to hell in this dark day and age.