Great Sermon! “Evangelical repentance is a breaking from the dominion of sin. True repentance is always accompanied by a heartlonging after holiness. It is a false gospel that divorces Christ the Saviour from Christ the Lord. The sinner is a rebel who must repent and lay down his arms of rebellion before the king of Kings. “Christ will save none but those who are brought to resign themselves sincerely to the obedience of His Royal authority and laws” (Walter Marshall, 1692).” From the book, Evangelism by James Alexander Stewart {1910-1975}
Great Sermon! Thank you Pastor Monte for remembering me of these great truths in a time where they're needed.
God bless you and many greetings from Germany!
Great Sermon! Thank you pastor for the good, strong spiritual spanking about my complaining. As an American I need to better understand how blessed I am on a daily basis.
Great Sermon! My daughter was forced into bhudust chanting as a form of therapy at her school and when I complained the school picked on her terribly. When I complained about the bullying tactics ( they had her in isolation after coming back from a period of sickness and refused to let her sit her exams)- they sent a fraudulent email of mine to my work and to the police. The police refused to investigate and my work put me in isolation for 5 months and refused for me to have case notes to prove my innocence.
I am now facing a second internal investigation and isolation and my boss refuses to tell the truth about the incident ( she told me to write something in the notes).
I had witnessed my faith to another guy ( I think he was a secular jew) and he reported me to my regulating authority.
Please pray. There is much hurt when the world turns against you. All the laws about discrimination and human rights mean nothing.
Great Sermon! I appreciate your willingness to preach the entirety of the Bible and you're literal preaching of the Bible. However, I'd like to know if you believe the last trump is the same as the seventh trump in revelation. After all, if the 7 trumpets in Revelation happen after the one for the rapture, the one for the rapture wouldn't be the last, right?
Great Sermon! Thank you for your passion on this subject. It is a hotly debated issue but, when someone cares enough to search the scriptures, it's obvious and should not be a debate. God Bless!!!
Great Sermon! Very helpful historical discussion on the significance of Smyrna and also discussion of persecution amongst Arabic churches in Morocco. I am convinced that we must be praying more for the Islamic world to be touched by the God of Israel.
Great Sermon! Pastor Monte,
I appreciate your preaching but I must ask, What if you're wrong about the timing? What if the last trump of 1 Corinthians 15:52 is the 7th trump in Revelation? I'm not interested in an argument over this, only a discussion if you find it important enough. God Bless.
Great Sermon! If I may be honest this message took me back and now I feel as if my life has been wasted in many ways. I can think of a couple people who have influenced me but none so strongly that I see their attributes in my life today without straining. Great sermon but difficult to swallow.
Great Sermon! But this verse is never quoted ?
1 cor 14
2 For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
Great Sermon! I think this is one of those times when I have to disagree- I think that pastor monte has mis understood the messianic movement - I have been part of that movement for around 6 years and my witness is that Christian liberty is paramount - it celebrates the fact that Jewish believers and Christian believers are truly one body and that the old testiment is the basis for the new testiment. We celebrate the old testiment Jewish feasts not because we are earning our salvation but because they are biblical and fulfilled by out Jewish messiah. We worship the Jewish god Yweh- the sacrifice of Yeshua was the fulfilment of the law- in him ' it is finished' - dear pastor monte please research the messianic movement before you make such sweeping comments. You maybe suprised by what you find. As in all true movements of god - there will be immature believers and false professors but I challenge you on the fact that the messianic movement is taking believers back to the law- that is simply not true.
Great Sermon! Age of accountability You mentioned the age of accountability in this sermon. One pastor I've listened to said this. In the garden of Eden, the first thing that happened when Adan and Eve sinned was they became aware of their nakedness and were ashamed. So, he theorized that when a child reaches the age of accountability, he/she will become aware of their nakedness and become ashamed if they are seen.
Great Sermon! This sermon made me think of my grandfather who got saved in the last few years of his life. He spent the rest of his life reading his Bible and loving Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful I know one day I'll see him again in glory.
Great Literally Interpretive Sermon! ".... ¶ This is beyond all others THE PSALM OF THE CROSS. It may have been actually repeated word by word by our Lord when hanging on the tree; it would be too bold to say that it was so, but even a casual reader may see that it might have been. It begins with, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" and ends, according to some, in the original with "It is finished." For plaintive expressions uprising from unutterable depths of woe we may say of this psalm, "there is none like it." It is the photograph of our Lord's saddest hours, the record of his dying words, the lachrymatory of his last tears, the memorial of his expiring joys. David and his afflictions may be here in a very modified sense, but, as the star is concealed by the light of the sun, he who sees Jesus will probably neither see nor care to see David. Before us we have a description both of the darkness and of the glory of the cross, the sufferings of Christ and the glory which shall follow. Oh for grace to draw near and see this great sight! We should read reverently, putting off our shoes from off our feet, as Moses did at the burning bush, for if there be holy ground anywhere in Scripture it is in this psalm...."--Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Treasury of David
Great Sermon! Interesting sermon on the question as to whether some sins are considered as worse than others ( sinning unto death and the unforgivable sin). Very interesting discussion.