Praise to the Father! Great Sermon! Whilst I love to sit under the Word at our church every week, I must say this is a MUST HEAR! It's so hard to.keep remembering which way is up in this topsy turvy world, but this sermon is jam packed with lots of helpful points. I'm so thankful to have heard it!!( Twice, so far) Praise God!
Great Sermon! What was the exact sermon of Sinclair Ferguson that you are referring to on this message? I’d very much like to hear it and share with my grandsons
Great Message of Life and Hope A wonderfully clear vision of Christ's redemptive presence in the life of the church and in Christ's followers. A veil has been swept aside as I read this and a brilliant ray of light and glory has shone into the darkness about Revelation and the counterfeit and hopelessly shallow world views of love and tolerance.
Great Sermon! Thank you so much Pastor Bell for this wonderful message of God's love and Christian freedom, delivered with the kindest tenderness. May God bless you today.
Significant reality God withdraws His distinctive endorsement over the under-shepherds of his flock when they fail to lead the flock according to his own heart.
Comforting realization Ezekiel 34 brings the comfort of realizing that God takes personal responsibility for his flock by delivering them from the hands of unfaithful or incompetent shepherds. Based on this, one can trace God’s providential caring hand in the starting of new 'denominations' throughout church history.
Unraveled Unto Revival It is I, Lord. Change my heart and teach me how to love. Give me a greater perception of your love towards me, so that I can shed it abroad to others.
The Source of Anxiety There is no need to elaborate on this message. It is "spot on." It should be seriously considered by all Christians, weak and mature in the faith.
Well Delivered With all the frenzy we're subjected to in this fallen, evil world that lies in the lap of the evil one, this is a timely message. It causes the believer to rest in the care of the one "in whom we live and move and have our being." We are the Lord's. We do not fear as the heathen; for He does not give us the spirit of fear. This message will give us the sound mind and quiet spirit.
The sovereignty of the Lamb of God is realized, and we settle in our hearts that the word of God is established forever. It is finished! And it was so from the foundation of the world.
I thank God for this sermon.