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Hidden Hills Sov. Grace Baptist Church
Craig A. Thurman  |  Caswell Lakes, Alaska
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Hidden Hills Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
50130 S. Caswell Lakes Loop
Willow, AK 99688-9604
Hidden Hills Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
HC 89 Box 1420
Willow, AK 99688-9604
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      Our Featured Article      
Hidden Hills Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
10/17/2019 | PDF Size: 569k | Views: 30+
This is a confession of faith. It is not a confession of preferences. The Confession of Faith Committee convened for one year considering the original 1644/6 London Baptist Confession of Faith. This is the fruit of this committee. We have updated...

      A Word in a Hurry      

Evangelism & the Necssity for a Sinner's Response
Craig A. Thurman
11/24/2020 | Size: 484k | Views: 10+
There is a biblical way to evangelize and there is our way. This short thought might help us to know the difference.

The Day of Christ's Death & the Day of His Resurrection
Craig A. Thurman
4/3/2021 | Size: 719k
The Scriptures are accurate. There is no error, there is no contradiction to be found in them. There is thought by some to be an unsolvable problem concerning...

Communal Living Taught in the Bible?
Craig A. Thurman
1/6/2021 | Size: 660k
Sometimes genuine, but simple, unlearned, ignorant Christians fall into error because they have not learned enough to protect themselves from the craftiness of...

Predestination Is not Based on Works or Faith
Craig A. Thurman
7/15/2020 | Size: 495k | Views: 20+
How twisted truth can become when we do not understand things as they are written in the word of God. With extreme brevity the topic of predestination is...

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Craig A. Thurman
9/12/2019 | Size: 505k | Views: 10+
The baptism of the Holy Spirit must be among some of the most misunderstood doctrines in the Bible. All I ask is that you consider the Scriptures, compare the...

The Saints Shall See the Man of Sin
Craig A. Thurman
9/27/2019 | Size: 560k | Views: 20+
What does the second chapter of the book of 2Thessalonians teach? This chapter sets in order three notable events: the apostasy, the revelation of Antichrist,...

Christ, The Impeccable Savior
Craig A. Thurman
10/21/2018 | Size: 308k
True believers of Christ and His churches will receive this truth. False professors and false religion (even though they call themselves Christian) cannot....

Identifying Antichrists and Obeying the Lord
Craig A. Thurman
1/14/2019 | Size: 406k | Views: 10+
The Word of God reveals that antichrists shall come. It reveals what they do and the damnable doctrines that they bring. Christians shall be confronted by...

Interpreting Acts 2:41, and the Three Things We Learn
Craig A. Thurman
2/5/2019 | Size: 392k
What does this verse really say. It contains two statements. Let's take just a few minutes to consider it for a moment. By His grace we can walk away with...

The Doctrine of Election for the Spiritually Minded
Craig A. Thurman
1/7/2019 | Size: 301k | Views: 10+
So many misunderstand or reject the doctrine of God's election of grace, yet it is clearly taught in Scripture. Consider what the Word of God says about this...

The Parable of the Unjust Steward Explained
Craig A. Thurman
1/11/2019 | Size: 296k
This parable has been called the 'problem parable.' It is thought by many impossible to interpret. But part of the reason for this is because most of us read...

The Weakness of the Flesh
Craig A. Thurman
9/16/2018 | Size: 388k
Some misunderstand what weaknesses of the flesh are and wrongly attribute these as sins. But every Christian is weak. And it is through weakness that the...

The Head Covering for the Man and the Woman
Craig A. Thurman
8/2/2018 | Size: 279k | Views: 10+
The issue of the head covering is almost always treated with a biased focus on the women. In this brief statement there are 6 points considered which might...

The Manifesting of the Elect and the Reprobate in Human History
Craig A. Thurman
8/29/2018 | Size: 395k | Views: 20+
As sure as there is a doctrine of eternal election there is a doctrine of eternal reprobation. There is a means which manifests both in the unfolding of human...

The Rich, Young Ruler & the Demoniac of Gardara, Intro to Lk. 18:18-30
Craig A. Thurman
8/14/2018 | Size: 273k
The topic is inheriting eternal life. It is not as men choose, but as God chooses. This briefly considers the rich, young ruler and the demoniac of Gadara....

Avenging not Ourselves, Part 1 of 3
Craig A. Thurman
12/14/2017 | Size: 319k
Please listen to this three-part series. Each topic harmonizes with the other. Taken separately something might be misunderstood. Taken together we will...

Christ Commands the Sword
Craig A. Thurman
12/14/2017 | Size: 290k
It sounds rather unusual that Christ commanded a sword, but He did. Let's see what that means.

Self-defense, Part 2 of 3
Craig A. Thurman
12/14/2017 | Size: 394k | Views: 20+
Please listen to this three-part series. Each topic harmonizes with the other. Taken separately something might be misunderstood. Taken together we will...

Subjection to Authority, Part 3 of 3
Craig A. Thurman
12/14/2017 | Size: 325k
Please listen to this three-part series. Each topic harmonizes with the other. Taken separately something might be misunderstood. Taken together we will...

The Local Church Doctrine Is a Clear Bible Doctrine
Craig A. Thurman
7/18/2018 | Size: 399k | Views: 10+
So many miss the truth of the Lord's church. But the word of God is clear about the church being a local body only. There is no such things as an invisible...

The New Birth
Craig A. Thurman
10/21/2017 | Size: 289k | Views: 10+
So many have the spiritual cart before the horse when it comes to the doctrine of Christ. The subject of the new birth is no exception. Will you consider this...

Who Among Us Is the Greatest?
Craig A. Thurman
9/21/2017 | Size: 277k | Views: 10+
We might not ask this questions out loud but I doubt that many disciple of Christ do not ask it in their hearts. Well, the twelve disciples asked it twice, so...

For Whom Did Christ Give His Life a Ransom?
Craig A. Thurman
8/17/2017 | Size: 366k | Views: 10+
This lesson entertains an apparent contradiction that every child of God should have interest in seeing resolved. That can only be done when we will believe...

The Preposition 'From' in the Texts of Re.13.8 & 17.8
Craig A. Thurman
8/10/2017 | Size: 358k | Views: 10+
There is a tremendous difference between those which are not written in the Lamb's book of life 'from' the foundation of the world and those which are written...

What Has Become of Faith?
Craig A. Thurman
9/5/2017 | Size: 366k | Views: 10+
Faith has not always meant what so many think it means. Biblically defined, faith is not a cause. It is an effect. Most in Christendom haven't given this any...

Baptism of the Holy Spirit - A Brief Exposition of 1Co.12.13
Craig A. Thurman
8/8/2017 | Size: 366k | Views: 10+
1Co.12.13 is so misunderstood. But how plain it is if we will believe what it says. If the Lord will, in barely 1 1/2 pages you can understand what this text...

Voluntariness of Christian Service
Craig A. Thurman
8/3/2017 | Size: 270k | Views: 10+
How members of churches err when they do not serve Christ from a willing heart. How a pastor errs when he does not lead a congregation into the spirit of...

Baptized into the Church?
Craig A. Thurman
6/20/2017 | Size: 363k | Views: 10+
Does baptism put one automatically into a church? A simple exegesis of Act 2.41 gives us the answer.

Is There a Christian Sabbath?
Craig A. Thurman
7/5/2017 | Size: 276k
We need to distinguish between the Law Covenant and the New Covenant. There is a distinction to be made between the Old Testament Sabbath observance the the...

The Fruit of the Vine Explained in under 300 Words
Craig A. Thurman
7/14/2017 | Size: 269k
Once you see this you'll never have a problem with it again. Learn what the phrase 'fruit of the vine' means and then be free to practice however that might...

The Kind of Church Jesus Started
Craig A. Thurman
7/12/2017 | Size: 264k
The importance of becoming familiar with the Word of God is essential for the New Testament believer. Without such spiritual judgments which must be made are...

Baptism, Who Did It?
Craig A. Thurman
6/20/2017 | Size: 277k | Views: 10+
By some great brethren in the Lord, strong emphasis is laid upon the necessity of a church's link by link succession through history. Frankly, though I do...

The History of Easter on One Short Page
Craig A. Thurman
6/20/2017 | Size: 268k | Views: 10+
Very concisely on one short page is laid out the error of the Easter holiday.

Who Gave Thee This Authority?
Craig A. Thurman
6/20/2017 | Size: 267k | Views: 10+
Authority is a big word. It is power. It is the power to say yes, and it is the power to say no. That is why it is extremely important to understand who it...
      Articles on Practice      

A Concise History of the Easter Holiday Considered
11/19/2019 | Size: 758k
Few, few Christians ever consider the fact that Easter, as we know it today, did not exist in the days of the apostles. Mull that statement over well. As we...

Eat with Gratitude & Withoiut Guilt
Shaun Willcock
7/23/2019 | Size: 893k | Views: 30+
So many Christians struggle under an 'world-driven' sense of guilt when it comes to what they eat and their outward appearance. Frankly, perhaps we judge...

Subjection to Authority
F. B. Hole
10/25/2019 | Size: 465k | Views: 10+
The truth couldn't be more clearly stated as to the duty has laid upon every soul to be subject to the authorities which God has placed over man. Be obedient...

The Husband of One Wife
Craig A. Thurman
2/3/2020 | Size: 745k
If we can interpret the one we should be able to interpret the other. What does it mean to be the husband of one wife, and the wife of one husband? We hope...

When a Church Member Decides to Leave
Thomas Williamson
9/11/2018 | Size: 522k | Views: 40+
The understanding of this topic and its application varies significantly from church to church. But I think wisdom will lead us to conclude the same things...

The Man and Woman's Head Covering
Craig A. Thurman
11/6/2016 | Size: 534k | Views: 10+
The covering under discussion concerns both the man and the woman. Whatever it is to the one it is to the other. There is not a man covering here and a woman...

The Lord's Supper Ordinance
Craig A. Thurman
8/4/2016 | Size: 649k | Views: 10+
The Lord's Supper elements are especially under consideration, but also under consideration is the distinction between Passover and the Lord's Supper.

What Constitutes Valid Baptism
J. B. Moody
10/12/2016 | Size: 460k
Brief and to the point, J. B. Moody maintains immersion in water by a proper authority of a suitable candidate is the only baptism that there is.

Coming to the Doctrines of Grace
F. Leon King
11/30/2015 | Size: 141k | Views: 10+
This is an autobiography of brother King's experience as the Lord led him to the doctrine of election, or as it commonly called, the Doctrines of Grace. In...

Christian Contemporary Music, The Power of Music for Good or Evil
C. A. Thurman
10/21/2014 | Size: 353k | Views: 10+
Is truth important to us? What about when it is wrapped up in a good melody? Are our songs truthful? We need to consider what power music wields in the...
      Articles on Theology      

James F. Poole
7/19/2021 | Size: 88k
Some doctrines rarely get past man's bias. But there are men that the Lord grants the grace to receive them as they are written. Brother Poole got this right.

The Reckoning of Christ's Death to His Resurrection
Craig A. Thurman
4/3/2021 | Size: 849k
The Scriptures teach that Christ would be 3 days and nights in the heart of the earth, and would raise in the third day. Some say that this is an...

The Grace Series, The Doctrines of Grace, T-U-L-I-P Explained
Craig A. Thurman
12/9/2015 | Size: 897k | Views: 10+
If ever there was something plain in the Word of God it is His sovereignty in salvation. This series explained in usual fashion the important points most...

The Raising of Lazarus, A Picture of Regeneration
Curtis Pugh
5/11/2015 | Size: 358k | Views: 10+
If you don't have time to read, check out the audio version. On our home page, under speaker, select 'Curtis Pugh. This is a superbly written article touching...
      Book Indexes      

The New Park Street & Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Series Index
Charles Spurgeon
6/7/2017 | Size: 336k | Views: 10+
This is an index to Spurgeon's 6 volume set. When printing the .pdf document, if you will select 'booklet' it should automatically paginate the document for...

Biblical Day-Our Day Counting Christ's crucifixioin
Craig A. Thurman
3/23/2019 | Size: 193k
This is a help for us to follow between Biblical counting of days and they way our day are counted.

Ezekiel Ch. 38 - Maps of the Sons of Noah
Leon King
10/20/2018 | Size: 308k | Views: 30+
This map pertains the the Ezekiel study by Leon King. His notes may be viewed and/or downloaded. Please see that series which is included on this Sermon...

Ezekiel's Millennial Temple
Leon King
12/14/2018 | Size: 451k | Views: 20+
Here is a prospective layout of the millennial temple that Ezekiel describes in chs. 40-43.

Grammatical Diagram of 2Timothy 2:9, 10
Craig A. Thurman
2/2/2019 | Size: 299k
This is not a perfect representation of diagramming, but I think it provides enough help to learn what is being communicated here. Not only do we have a text...

Grammatical Diagram of Ex.21.22, 23
Craig A. Thurman
11/3/2019 | Size: 599k | Views: 10+
A very difficult text of Scripture of which there are two basic thoughts. One only concerns the woman and the injury she suffering through miscarriage, and the...

Lineal Graph of Christ's Death & Resurrection
Craig A. Thurman
4/3/2021 | Size: 213k
It is claimed by some that it is impossible for Christ to have raised from the dead after 3 days and nights in the tomb, and to raise on the third day. This...

The 400 Year Sojourn of the Seed of Abraham in a Strange Land
Craig A. Thurman
1/12/2016 | Size: 147k | Views: 10+
Some believe that Israel spent a total of 400 years in Egypt. Israel only spent 210 years in Egypt. Graphing the years of the lives given in the Scriptures is...

The 'How To' of New Testament Word Studies
Craig A. Thurman
12/24/2018 | Size: 309k | Views: 20+
Bible Study is important. For me, much of that involves defining words. Some have asked what procedure I use to define words in Scriptures. By using a N.T....

Genesis Genealogical Timeline from Adam to the Entry to the Promised Land - Chart
Craig A. Thurman
12/21/2015 | Size: 191k | Views: 10+
At a glance you may see the lifespans and overlapping lives of the lives of those in the lineage of Adam to Abraham, and Abraham to Moses.
      Church History      

Church Authority
Royce Smith
2/1/2021 | Size: 83k
This brief article written by Bro. Royce Smith is excellent,clear,simple, helpful, and sound. The basic premise is, the church self-constitutes, is...

Dec. 2019 Edition of the 'Northern Landmark Missionary Baptist'
Thomas Williamson
12/31/2019 | Size: 643k | Views: 20+
Opinions Expressed in any of the articles herein are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Hidden Hills Sovereign Grace Baptist...

J. R. Graves' Lifetime Position on Direct Authority
J. C. Settlemoir
3/13/2019 | Size: 168k | Views: 10+
Landmarkism is misunderstood by some today as it it means we should be able to rattle a chain all of the way back to the first church. Well, there is an...

Jan. 2020 Edition of the 'Northern Landmark Missionary Baptist'
Thomas Williamson
12/31/2019 | Size: 644k
Articles: Record of Baptist Rejection of the Universal Church Theory - Reaching Out with the Rechabites - Nominal & Real Believers - National Directors Give...

Landmarkism before J. R. Graves
Thomas Williamson
2/4/2015 | Size: 669k | Views: 20+
Brother Williamson has written a superb essay on the existence of the principals of Landmarkism before J. R. Graves and J. M. Pendleton. This is a must read...

Landmarkism Under Fire - By J. C. Settlemoir
Book Review by Thomas Williamson
2/24/2018 | Size: 396k | Views: 20+
Hopefully you can acquire a copy of this book before it goes out of print. The contact information is given in Williamson's review.

The Bogomils of Bulgaria and Bosnia
L. P. Brockett, M. D.
2/3/2015 | Size: 641k
L. P. Brockett has unearthed some excellent true church history for us. We hope that this can be a tremendous help to you as we try to maneuver through a great...
      Confession of Faith      

The Hidden Hills Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Confession of Faith
Hidden Hills Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
10/17/2019 | Size: 569k | Views: 30+
This is a confession of faith. It is not a confession of preferences. The Confession of Faith Committee convened for one year considering the original 1644/6...

Isaiah's Little Apocalypse, Part 1, pp. 1-7
C. C. Morris
9/8/2018 | Size: 1,482k | Views: 30+
Due to the size of the file this study had to be broken into two parts. This is only pages 1-7. Pages 8-14 should be located here as well. Brother Morris...

Reconsidering the Church-Age Theory
Rodney Dunlap
3/28/2019 | Size: 79k | Views: 20+
There are a number very good points this brother makes even apart from the topic under discussion. I'll say it again as he will. Remember these two things when...

The First Seven Statements of 2Thessalonians Chapter Two
Craig A. Thurman
4/30/2020 | Size: 792k
Seven statements, seven explanations. These cover the first twelve verses of the famous rapture text of Paul in 2Thessalonians. Will you consider following...

The Kingdom of Heaven Destroys the Kingdoms of this World
Leon King
7/22/2021 | Size: 406k | Views: 20+
This is a two-part series brought into one document. It is a must read to everyone that will know the truth of the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ to this one....

F. Leon King, Pastor
The Seven Proof for the Millennial Reign of Christ
3/16/2016 | Size: 658k
The personal, bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ to rule this earth for a 1,000 years is undeniably. There is only one coming of Christ and it is...

Isaiah's Little Apocalypse, Part 2, pp. 1-8
C. C. Morris
9/8/2018 | Size: 1,296k | Views: 20+
This is part 2 of the series entitled 'Isaiah's Little Apocalypse.' Again, because of the size of the file, like Part 1, this had to be broken into two...

Isaiah's Little Apocalypse, Part 2, pp. 9-15
C. C. Morris
9/8/2018 | Size: 1,149k
This is part 2 of the series entitled 'Isaiah's Little Apocalypse.' Again, because of the size of the file, like Part 1, this had to be broken into two...

Isaiah's Little Apocalypse, Part 1, pp. 8-14
C. C. Morris
9/8/2018 | Size: 1,638k | Views: 10+
Due to the size of the file this study had to be broken into two parts. This is the second part, pages 8-7. Pages 1-7 should be located here as well....

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, July 2006
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,609k | Views: 30+
This is an outstanding periodical! Many thanks we give to the Lord for moving Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir,...

Premillennial Baptist Journal Indexes by Author and Title
Lawrence Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,699k
Index to the entire series may also be found in the final edition.

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Oct. 2006
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,619k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan.-Mar. 2007
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,666k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Apr.-Jun. 2007
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,732k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Jul.-Sep. 2007
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,700k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Oct.-Dec. 2007
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,698k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan.-Mar. 2008
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,682k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Apr.-Jun. 2008
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,841k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Jul.-Sep. 2008
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,784k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 4, Oct.-Dec. 2008
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,638k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Jan.-Mar. 2009
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,636k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Apr.-Jun. 2009
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,636k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 3, Jul.-Sep. 2009
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,629k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 4, Oct.-Dec. 2009
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,651k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Jan.-Mar. 2010
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,712k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Apr.-Jun. 2010
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,743k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 3, Jul.-Sep. 2010
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,697k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Oct.-Dec. 2010
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,748k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Jan.-Mar. 2011
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,693k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Apr.-Jun. 2011
Lawrence Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,661k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Jul.-Sep. 2011
Lawrence Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,578k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 4, Oct.-Dec. 2011
Lawrence A. Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,599k
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer

Premillennial Baptist Journal, Vol. 7, Issue 1, May 2012 -Final Issue
Lawrence Justice, Editor
3/16/2016 | Size: 1,557k | Views: 10+
Lawrence Justice, Editor; Lyndy Justice, Asst. Editor; J. C. Settlemoir, Consulting Editor; and Scott McDaniel, Technical Editor & Graphic Designer
      Family's Corner      

Chasten Thy Son while There Is Hope
Charles Bridges
10/29/2015 | Size: 289k | Views: 10+
Very good and helpful considerations for the necessity of the Lord's instruction upon children, whether that come in the form of chastening or instruction.

Correct Thy Son
Charles Bridges
11/12/2015 | Size: 272k
Another great article with keen information on issues that differ in children and discipline.

For Mothers, Experienced or New
John Angell James
10/8/2015 | Size: 1,997k | Views: 20+
John Angell James (1785-1859) has left us an invaluable lesson that every Christian would benefit from reading. But before any woman enter into marriage, they...

Grace for a Wife's Submission
William Gouge
12/4/2015 | Size: 417k | Views: 10+
This is such a well-written study that all men and women in Christ would profit greatly from reading this. Men would be reminded as well to the importance of...

The Rod and Reproof Give Wisdom
Charles Bridges
10/9/2015 | Size: 295k | Views: 10+
Charles Bridges (1749-1869)wrote a large commentary on the book of Proverbs. This is an except from that work.

The Training of a Child
Susahhah Wesley
3/12/2019 | Size: 273k | Views: 20+
How young parents need to know what the Lord would have them to do in raising their little ones! I hope this might be a blessing to every earnest Christian...

Validating the Gospel by Modesty
Albert N. Martin
7/20/2021 | Size: 150k
Brother Martin brings to the topic of modesty great wisdom. This is a most Biblical approach to the topic. Lay aside the notions that this will be another...

Validating the Gospel in Femininity
Albert N. Martin
7/20/2021 | Size: 142k | Views: 20+
Brother Martin again touches on a topic that we need to hear today. Has the world crept into our homes and into our churches? You be the judge. The Lord...
      Of Antichrists      

They Went Out from Us
Samuel Eyles Pierce (June 23, 1746-May 10, 1829)
6/2/2016 | Size: 377k | Views: 10+

Antichrists and the Christian's Responsibility
Craig A. Thurman
1/28/2016 | Size: 602k

The Christian and Socialism
A. J. Pollock
8/28/2017 | Size: 334k | Views: 10+
How we need the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring about the change necessary to the government of the world. He alone is the only One that can do this....

The New Birth Is Irresistible and Irreversible
David Simpson
11/4/2015 | Size: 358k | Views: 10+
Consider prayerfully the exposition of the text of Hebrews 6.4-6 by brother David Simpson. It should be a blessing to all who read.
      Studying by the Book      

Studying through the Book of Ephesians (chs 1-3)
Craig A. Thurman
2/7/2022 | Size: 1,679k | Views: 10+
This is the first half of a verse by verse study through the book of Ephesians, chs. 1-3. A table of contents is included.

Studying through the Book of Ephesians (chs 4-6)
Craig A. Thurman
2/7/2022 | Size: 1,565k
This is the first half of a verse by verse study through the book of Ephesians, chs. 4-6. A table of contents is included.

Exegesis of Mt. 5:38-42
Craig Thurman
9/16/2021 | Size: 496k | Views: 20+
There are three things important to discerning the truth of Scripture: Context, Context, and Context. I hope this is a help to understanding how the words of...

Studying through the Book of Acts (Chapters 1 to 9, verse 16)
Craig Thurman
9/25/2021 | Size: 2,453k | Views: 10+
While audio messages cannot be so easily updated we have tried to keep our transcripts so. In this case the issue rebaptism was revisited. There is no...

Studying through the Book of Acts (Chapters 24-28)
Craig Thurman
9/25/2021 | Size: 2,053k
While audio messages cannot be so easily updated we have tried to keep our transcripts so. In this case the issue rebaptism was revisited. There is no...

Studying through the Book of Hebrews (chs. 1-8)
Crag A. Thurman
5/11/2021 | Size: 2,071k | Views: 10+
Chs. 1-8 with table of contents

Studying through the Gospel of Luke, Chs. 11-15
Craig Thurman
9/16/2021 | Size: 1,978k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Gospel of Luke, Chs. 1-5
Craig Thurman
9/16/2021 | Size: 1,777k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Gospel of Luke, Chs. 16-20
Craig Thurman
9/16/2021 | Size: 2,099k
Chs. 16-20

Studying through the Gospel of Luke, Chs. 21-24
Craig Thurman
9/16/2021 | Size: 1,560k | Views: 10+
Chs. 21-24

Studying through the Gospel of Luke, Chs. 6-8
Craig Thurman
9/16/2021 | Size: 1,644k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Gospel of Luke, Chs. 9, 10
Craig Thurman
9/16/2021 | Size: 1,626k | Views: 10+
Chs.9, 10

A Comprehesive Study of the New Testament Church
Craig A. Thurman
5/12/2020 | Size: 1,496k
This series was originally preached in November of 2016. The transcript has been updated as of May 12, 2020: This is the entire compilation of the series of...

Studying through the Book of Hebrews (chs. 9-13)
Crag A. Thurman
5/11/2021 | Size: 2,315k
Chs. 9-13 with table of contents

Studying through the Book of 1Timothy
Craig A. Thurman
2/3/2020 | Size: 1,789k
The layout of this study is much like a commentary. The first page contains a Table of Contents. Following this is a systematic approach to the book. The...

Studying through the Book of Acts (chs. 17-23)
Crag A. Thurman
5/4/2021 | Size: 2,550k
Acts chs.17-23

Studying through the Book of Exodus Chapters 13-17
Craig A. Thurman
11/3/2019 | Size: 1,621k

Studying through the Book of Exodus Chapters 18-21
Craig A. Thurman
11/3/2019 | Size: 1,695k

Studying through the Book of James
Craig A. Thurman
2/14/2020 | Size: 1,650k | Views: 10+
J. Sidlow Baxter wrote, 'We may say that the theme of this epistle is the proofs of true faith. Many of us would do well to face up to these proofs again and...

Studying through the Book of Exodus Chapters 1-4
Craig A. Thurman
11/21/2017 | Size: 1,522k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Book of Exodus Chapters 22-27
Craig A. Thurman
11/21/2017 | Size: 1,607k

Studying through the Book of Exodus Chapters 28-40
Craig A. Thurman
11/23/2017 | Size: 1,821k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Book of Exodus Chapters 5-8
Craig A. Thurman
11/21/2017 | Size: 1,249k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Book of Exodus Chapters 9-12
Craig A. Thurman
11/21/2017 | Size: 1,194k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Book of Exodus Index
Craig A. Thurman
5/22/2018 | Size: 293k
This is a page index to each lesson, chapter by chapter.

Psalm 119.132
Craig A. Thurman
9/12/2016 | Size: 283k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Book of Acts (Chapters 9, verse 17 - 16)
Craig A. Thurman
1/1/2016 | Size: 1,777k
Chapters 9, verse 17 - 16

Studying through the Book of Philippians
Craig A. Thurman
1/7/2016 | Size: 1,997k | Views: 10+

Studying through the Book of Colossians (Chapters 1 - 2)
Craig A. Thurman
1/7/2016 | Size: 1,617k | Views: 10+
Chapters 1 and 2

Studying through the Book of Colossians (Chapters 3 - 4)
Craig A. Thurman
1/7/2016 | Size: 1,769k | Views: 10+
Chapters 3 and 4

Studying through the Book of 1Thessalonians
Craig A. Thurman
1/7/2016 | Size: 1,525k

Studying through the Book of 2Thessalonians
Craig A. Thurman
1/7/2016 | Size: 1,308k | Views: 10+
      The King James Bible      

The Desirability of Keeping the Authorized Version
J. C. Philpot
4/6/2019 | Size: 194k
A short, sensible statement why we should keep the King James Version Bible.

The King James Version: God's Word and the Versions
Craig A. Thurman
10/16/2014 | Size: 1,001k | Views: 20+
This is an edited copy of the original release. [Corrected at Objection 22, Oct.,16, 2014] Does it matter to us who was charged with keeping the Word of God?...
      The Person of Christ      

How Many Deaths Did Christ Die?
J. C. Settlemoir
8/4/2016 | Size: 445k | Views: 10+
Brother Settlemoir has presented a very objective and thorough rebuttal against the proposed spiritual death of Jesus Christ.
      Through Baca's Vale      

Through Baca's Vale - November, 25 - Job 28.7
J. C. Philpot
11/25/2015 | Size: 381k

J. C. Philpot's Letter of Resignation from the Church of England - March 1835
J. C. Philpot
11/21/2015 | Size: 97k | Views: 10+
This letter gives us some insight into the man, J. C. Philpot. That we would have the same conviction to stand by His grace upon the truth of the Word of God.

Through Baca's Vale - November 22 - Luke 24.21
J. C. Philpot
11/21/2015 | Size: 455k | Views: 10+
The daughters of this late Baptist Preacher published a devotional book with some of his great thoughts. We hope to post a few of these as the days go by.

Through Baca's Vale - November 4th - 1Jn. 4.7
J. C. Philpot
11/21/2015 | Size: 381k

Through Baca's Vale - October 30 - Hosea 11.7
11/21/2015 | Size: 294k | Views: 10+
      Tracts & Pamphlets      

Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock
J. C. Settlemoir
10/9/2020 | Size: 471k | Views: 50+
What a blessing to receive this article by brother J. C. Settlemoir. The text of Re.3.20 is so plain, yet it abused by so many. What does it say? If you...

Calamities Come from God
Laurence Justice
7/8/2020 | Size: 217k
Bro. Laurence Justice wrote an excellent article entitled, 'Calamities Come from God.' It will help to give a child of God proper, biblical perspective...

Good News in Perilous Times - Periodical
Robert Jaynes
12/30/2019 | Size: 223k | Views: 10+
A number of articles in this issue touch on the topic of death.

Leaven in The Cup, Part 1
Larry Jones
5/8/2019 | Size: 1,421k | Views: 10+
This couldn't be stated better or more concisely.

Leaven in The Cup, Part 2
Larry Jones
5/8/2019 | Size: 1,285k
      W. E. Best's Books      

Marriage Is Under Heavy Attack Today
Wilbur Elias Best
10/9/2015 | Size: 244k | Views: 20+
Brother Best has written a short statement that is fitting for our day concerning marriage.

The Virgin Birth
W. E. Best
12/4/2015 | Size: 388k | Views: 10+
The late brother W. E. Best has nailed this down in good and simple terms. We can believe that the Word of God teaches that our Lord Jesus Christ, God...

Letter to the Church at Smyrna
W. E. Best
12/4/2015 | Size: 474k | Views: 10+

Antichrists and The Antichrist
Wilbur Elias Best
1/28/2016 | Size: 297k | Views: 20+

A Comprehensive View of Romans, Vol. 1
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 423k

Christ Could not Be Tempted
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 348k

Christ Emptied Himself
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 416k

Christ's Kingdom is Future, Vol. 1
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 445k

Christ's Kingdom is Future, Vol. 2
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 442k

Christ's Kingdom is Future, Vol. 3
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 536k

Diminishing Spirituality in Local Churches
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 427k

Eternity and Time
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 524k

Free Grace Versus Free Will
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 210k

God Forgives Sinners
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 268k

God Is Love
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 326k

God's Eternal Decree
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 161k

God's Longsuffering is Salvation
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 400k

Honoring the True God
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 169k

Justification before God not by Faith
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 302k

Life Brought to Light
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 423k

Regeneration and Conversion
W. E. Best
6/16/2014 | Size: 417k | Views: 20+
The late W. E. Best teaches the truth very clearly on this topic. The Scriptures teach a clear distinction between regeneration and conversion. One must be...

Simple Faith (a Misnomer)
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 242k

Studies in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 423k

The Church - Her Authority and Mission
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 406k

The Most Neglected Chapter in the Bible (Romans 9)
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 726k | Views: 10+

Woman - Man's Completion
W. E. Best
2/8/2019 | Size: 428k

Christ Could not Be Tempted
W. E. Best
6/16/2014 | Size: 348k | Views: 10+
The impeccability of Christ is an essential Christian doctrine. Brother Best teaches the truth simply and clearly.

Free Grace Versus Free Will
W. E. Best
6/16/2014 | Size: 210k | Views: 10+
The doctrine of God's election of grace has falsely been attributed to John Calvin, the head of the Presbyterian religion. How this error has served to...

Jim Byrd
What God Has Not Said

Isaiah 45:18-19
Sunday Service
13th Street Baptist Church
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