We preach an old-fashioned Calvinistic Gospel centered around the five basic doctrines of God's Word, which are: "The Sovereignty of God, or God on the Throne; the Total Depravity of the Natural Man; Salvation by Grace and Blood Redemption in Christ; the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit; and the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to Earth Again."
Service Times
Sunday 10am, 11am & 6:30pm Wednesday 7:00 pm All times are Central time.
Primary Speaker: L. R. Shelton, Sr.Motto: "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21)
Pastor Shelton took the pastorate of First Baptist Church, Algiers in 1927 and began to devote all his time and energy to evangelizing southeast Louisiana. After the Lord saved him... | more..