An historic Reformed church committed to the historic Biblical faith, we are a congregation of the Bible Presbyterian Church, General Synod. We use the Trinity Psalter Hymnal, the NKJV and the ESV. We are made up of faithful generations of families, of newcomers, visitors and friends. The Lord has been pleased to bless us for over 135 years, and we invite you to join with us as we continue the journey together!
Service Times
Sunday School ... 10:00am
Lord's Day Worship ... 11:00am
Lord's Day Prayer & Bible Study ... time varies by date
Primary Speaker: Dr. Charles H RobertsRev. Charles H Roberts is pastor of the Reedy River Presbyterian Church (BPC) in Conestee SC. He was ordained in 1993, and has served Reformed churches in SC, AZ, and NY. Dr Roberts is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary, Erskine Theological... | more..