Ridge Road Baptist is a place where you and your family can find many opportunities for worship and service. We have a great Sunday School program offering classes for all ages. In our services, you will find spirit-filled singing, Bible preaching, and friendly people. We are a church that is committed to reaching sinners with the gospel. We offer a weekly visitation program, free transportation, and world evangelism. We believe Jesus is coming soon and that we have been given the privilege and responsibility to share the gospel in our community and around the world. Our goal is to further equip men and women for the ministry and the work of the Lord.
Service Times
Sunday School at 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship at 11:00 AM Sunday Prayer Room at 4:30 PM Sunday Evening Worship at 5:00 PM Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Primary Speaker: Pastor Chris HewettPastor Hewett was saved at the age of eleven off of a church pew in Dallas, GA. He was then called to preach at the age of twelve and began preaching in church services, nursing homes, and on the radio. In 2011, he went into full-time missions evangelism.... | more..