An Independent Bible Fellowship. Our pastor Greg Blake has been with us here at RHBC since the spring of 2002. Pastor Greg grew up in the Charleston area and was called out of the chemical industry in 1985 to the ministry. He knew that Pastoral ministry would require preparation, so he, his wife and two small sons moved to Beckley, WV where he enrolled in the pastoral program at Appalachian Bible College. Since that time he has served in churches in Nitro and Huntington, WV and he also holds a MBS from Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He prepares expositional messages each week, with the understanding that God’s Word is “quick and powerful” and “it will not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
We currently use SermonAudio for livestreaming our services and we are exciting about expanding of other features you all offer. We have incorporated the monthly fee into our missions budget. What you offer for the monthly fee is incredible. We really appreciate all that you make available to us. I especially love the hymnal feature you have on the site. I will often access that as I sing the older hymns. We are looking forward to integrating more SermonAudio features on our website very soon! God bless you for all you do.