Welcome to the web site of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. We are a young church with an ancient hope: hope in Jesus Christ, who lived the life we can never live, died to cover our sins and rose again to give new life to all who lay hold of Him by faith. This is the great central truth of the Bible, God’s infallible word.
Service Times
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am Sunday School 11:15 am Evening Service 5:30 pm
SermonAudio works very well for us. It is money well-spent. We have been on the site for nine years and can’t believe that people from every state and 200 countries have listened to us in that time. I hope one day in eternity to meet someone who was was impacted as they listened to the Word in this way. People who are moving to our area often scout us out on SermonAudio before attending here for the first time. Our members who are away from church due to sickness or travel catch up on sermons they miss. I serve on the home missions committee of my church denomination and I encourage new churches especially to get on SermonAudio. It’s a great way to introduce the preaching of the church to those seeking for Biblical teaching.