Welcome to Peninsula Reformed Presbyterian Church! We are a mission work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (www.opc.org), planted by Reformation Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach, VA. We pray that you would be blessed by our sermons and would join us for worship as you are able.
We Believe: In the inerrant and infallible Word of God, the Bible, as the final authority for all of faith, life and practice
In one God, eternally existing in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit In Jesus Christ, truly God and truly man, born of the Virgin Mary
In salvation from sin and its power only by faith in Jesus Christ who died on the Cross in the place of His people
In the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day and His ascension into heaven where He rules over all history and all lives with the Father and the Spirit
In the work and witness of the church to the gospel of Christ’s saving work in our community and around the world
In God’s love extended through covenant relationship in the church which Jesus Christ is building in this world.
Service Times
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM
Primary Speaker: Rev. Matthew WalkerI grew up in Philadelphia and California and eventually returned to Philadelphia to study at Westminster Theological Seminary. I became the pastor of Peninsula Reformed Presbyterian Church in 2022. | more..