We are an independent, Bible believing congregation located in beautiful Lewis County, Washington. We would love to invite you to visit our church family. With strong preaching and sound Bible teaching, you’ll have every opportunity to grow in Christ. Ministry opportunities abound – children’s ministries, special music, evangelism, and more; we have something for every individual. Together, we can reach this world for our Lord Jesus Christ with God’s word…one life at a time.
Service Times
Sunday School ... 9:30 am
Sunday Morning Services ... 10:30 am
Midweek Bible Study, Thursday ... 7:00 pm
It has been a HUGE blessing for us to be on SermonAudio. I have received more positive feedback from people in our church than I ever thought I would receive. We have members who are homebound or who miss because of illness once in awhile and they are so grateful for the webcast we do. They feel like they are now at church and feel more connected than they have. People have graciously responded to this opportunity. It has really been a tremendous opportunity. Everything is working out well. We are very satisfied with your service