Thank you for visiting Pines Baptist Church at Sermon Audio. The mission of Pines Baptist Church is to know God and make Him known. The vision of Pines Baptist Church is to be a community of faith with an ever deepening commitment to God's word, God's mission and God's people (each other). We hope as you look around you will find all that you need to learn about who we are and enjoy the resources we offer.
Our name includes Pines because we're committed to our local community. We count it a privilege to serve Pembroke Pines as well as the surrounding communities.
Our name includes Baptist because we're not afraid of denominational tags. We want you to know up front that we willingly affiliate ourselves with the Southern Baptist Convention yet we hold the teachings of the Bible above any denominational attachment. You can rest assure that our beliefs are rooted in Scripture.
Our name includes Church because this is God's designation for the assembly of people called by His name.
Should you have questions about our church, please don't hesitate to contact us or stop by during one of our services.
God's richest blessings to you and yours.
Service Times
Sunday Bible Study ... 9:00am
Sunday Worship and Service ... 10:30am
Men's Bible Study Wednesday ... 7:00pm
Ladies Bible Study Tuesday ... 7:00pm