New Hope Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, King James, Baptist church. Founded on August 31, 1997 by pastor Richard Ensley and co-founding pastor Justin Tony Parham, New Hope seeks to reach lost souls through the preaching of the inspired word of God. We are a local, visible, new testament church, the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and for the eternal security of our souls. We also believe in the Trinity, the divine virgin birth, and the two ordinances of communion and baptism. Under the command of the Great Commission, (Mt 28:19&20) New Hope Baptist Church has a missionary burden for souls from all ethnic and economic backgrounds the world over. New Hope is not a museum of old, rustic saints; but a place of service; not a perfect haven for the sinless, but a hospital for sinners saved by God's Grace.
New Hope Baptist Church: preaching Christ as man's only hope.
Service Times
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Service: 11:00 am
Sunday Evening: 6:30 pm
Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm