We have adopted the Word of God as our rule of faith and practice. We promise by His grace to love and obey Him in all things, to avoid all appearance of evil, and abstain from all sinful amusements and unholy conformity to the world. We will everywhere hold Christian principle sacred and Christian obligations and enterprises supreme; counting it our chief business in life to extend the influence of Christ in society; constantly praying and toiling that the Kingdom of God may come, and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And may the God of peace sanctify us wholly, and preserve us blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Service Times
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Morning Service 10:45 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon Service 1:30 p.m.
Primary Speaker: Herbert HensleyHerbert Hensley, pastor of Nebo Free Will Baptist Church, was saved May 2, 1965. God called him to preach September 9, 1965. He was ordained into the Free Will Baptist Ministry on May 8, 1966. He began pasturing Nebo Free Will Baptist Church after he felt... | more..
We have been so blessed as a church to be on this website. The Lord has done a mighty work through this website. We have a small congregation and didn't really have a lot of visitors before we started putting our services on SermonAudio. Through this website we have loved ones who live in other states who are able to feel as if they were in service with us. Our assistant pastor and brother from the church have just left for a trip to India because of our services being heard in that country. We also had an Indian man come visit our church while in the states on business. We've met more people than we ever imagine when we first became a member of SermonAudio. We give the Lord all the glory and we just want to be faithful to praise Him for His blessings on our little congregation. You have a remarkable website and may God bless you for striving to get the gospel heard to countries that wouldn't hear it other wise.