Welcome to the SermonAudio page for London City Presbyterian Church. Our congregation is made up of people from all over the world, who live all across London, and meet in the centre of this great city to worship God together. We worship one God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and recognise that only through faith in Jesus Christ can we receive forgiveness of sin and have peace with God.
As a result, Jesus Christ is central in all our worship, as He is to our whole lives. Please accept our warmest invitation to join us this coming Sunday, where you will be most welcome, and where we hope you will come to find true and ultimate sanctuary in Jesus Christ, who says to us all, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
Service Times
11.00 – Morning Service
17.30 – Evening Service
Primary Speaker: Andrew LongweRev Andy Longwe was inducted to LCPC on Saturday, 5th February 2022. We are delighted to welcome him, his wife Marina and their two children, Theo and Ellie, to the congregation. Andy moved to LCPC after six years as minister of Cumbernauld Free Church.
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