We seek to focus on the ministry of word, the sacraments, and evangelism. There are various ministries in and around the Hillsdale area. What has been lacking is a distinctively Reformed church -- a body that is devoted to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers.
Our goal is to plant a church that truly sees worship at the heart of all of life.
Service Times
Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Adult Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.
Primary Speaker: Everett HenesPastor Everett Henes is a graduate of California State University (San Bernardino), Westminster Theological Seminary, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, and Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He planted Hillsdale Orthodox Presbyterian Church in... | more..
Our congregation knows where they can go to find our sermons on your site. I will often be preaching in a series and reference another series or message I preached at another time. I will say, ‘Now you may want to go back and listen to that message again. Just go to our SermonAudio page where you can download the message and listen to it.’ Our shut-ins use the site regularly. Beyond our own church we know that some of our denominational missionaries will listen to our sermons as well as those who are in areas where the gospel is oppressed. Your site is intuitive and very accessible. All of this is very encouraging to us and we are thankful for your ministry.