GraceLife London is a church initiative in Central London launched in September 2011.
We are committed to the reality that God gives us 'all that we need for life and godliness' through knowing Him.
What does this look like? We believe the Word of God is sufficient for every area of our lives, and so we want to study it, apply it, and live it out in the way we worship, live, serve and pray.
Moved to London and need a new church?
Just looking into Christianity?
A new believer without a home church?
Simply desire to dig deeper into the Word and grow?
We are sure you'll be encouraged here, and find a warm welcome at any of the church meetings.
10:00 am Morning Service
12:30 pm Evening Service
If you are in the Central London area, join us at 7:00pm for our mid-week Bible study.
As pastors we'll be striving to make sure it is a church committed to the sufficiency of the Word of God, excellence in the praise and worship of our Lord, faithful in discipleship and seeing lives transformed, and one that is spiritually impacting our generation.
For the sake of His Name,
Tom Drion, Ross Orgill, Adam Waller and Mike Dionne - Pastors
Service Times
10:00 am Morning Service
12:30 pm Evening Service
If you are in the Central London area, join us at 7:30pm for our mid-week Bible study