The Exaltation of God through Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Ephesians 3:21; 1 Peter 4:11; Revelation 4:11)
To exalt God is central to the existence of the church. This means to exalt, prize, and honor God above all else. Essentially, to exalt God is to worship Him, which is the priority of the ministry of the church. “It is absolutely essential that a church perceive itself as an institution established for the glory of God.” (MacArthur, The Master’s Plan for the Church, p. 25)
The Edification of the Believer (1 Corinthians 12:7; Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 14:26; Colossians 1:28)
Edification is to encourage Christ-likeness and fellowship among Christians. The primary way to encourage holiness is through the teaching of Scripture. The Great Commission states that disciples are made; they are to be taught all things that Christ has commanded. The primary way in which fellowship promotes edification is through the use of God-given spiritual gifts. It is through the interaction of the body of Christ and each believer exercising his spiritual gift for the benefit of the common good that edifies the whole and gives God glory.
The Evangelization of the Lost(Acts 1:8; Romans 1:14-16; 2 Timothy 4:5; Matthew 28:18-20)
The Great Commission grants to the church the great responsibility and privilege of evangelizing the lost world. Evangelism is to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord to the whole world. This must be done clearly, accurately, consistently, and humbly. We must dependently and passionately pray for God to grant people repentance. Therefore, we are committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ both locally and globally.