We at Grace Church have a message of hope! Our exalted Creator who has made us and the world we live in has plainly spoken to us in His Word. In the Bible He tells us that our one main problem is the cause of all others. Our sinful selfishness has separated us from our holy God. Instead of seeking His glory and following His ways, we have turned to satisfying our own desires. God tells us that in this life we often suffer the consequences of not obeying Him. Additionally, we are in danger of eternal retribution if we ignore His sober warnings and gracious Invitations.
Though the problem of our sin is great, God's solution is greater. The holy God of the Bible is also the God of love and mercy. He sent His eternal Son to die on the cross in the place of sinners. Jesus Christ willingly suffered God's punishment of death so that those who believe would not perish but have eternal life.
Primary Speaker: Mitch LushPastor Mitch Lush grew up on a dairy farm in Nebraska. He graduated from Grace College (B.A.-1976) in Indiana and also from the Trinity Ministerial Academy in New Jersey (1981). Following the completion of his pastoral training, Mitch and his wife, Nancy,... | more..
We appreciate the opportunity you give us to upload sermons and to webcast our services. Our people who are sick, shut-in, or away on a Sunday really appreciate this opportunity to connect with us in this way. We also have friends in other states who are able to stay connected with us! Recently I traveled to minister overseas and it was encouraging to meet a believer who came up to me and shared that he had actually listened to series of mine that was helpful to him. We are grateful for all you do and for the assistance you provide us in these ways.