Galilee Baptist Church was founded in 1943 in Seattle, Washington by a group of believers with a desire to reach the Northwest with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to maintain a strong biblical testimony in this region. By the grace of God, the independent, Bible-believing, Baptist church which began many years ago continues to this day.
Service Times
Bible Study Hour ... 9:30 AM
Morning Service ... 10:30 AM
Evening Service ... 5:30 PM
We find that SermonAudio is easy to use. We like the layout, and the uploading for sermons is top notch. Being on SermonAudio has had an impact on our church ministry as about half of our visitors came after they listened to one of our messages on your site. People have the opportunity to get a feel for what they will hear and experience as they do this. We are grateful for the service and for the outreach you provide.