Reformed Baptist Preacher and Author! Books:"Preaching with Biblical Passion" "Preaching the Gospel Message"
Gabriel Grossi was born and raised in Italy as a Roman Catholic. After coming to the United States in 1958, Mr. Grossi was converted to Christ in 1969. He attended Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia, PA from 1970-1973. He has been actively engaged in lay-preaching since 1979. He was privileged to be intimately involved in a church planting work in Mid-town Manhattan in New York. He has also served in the pastorate for two years. Mr. Grossi is married with two adult sons.
NOTE: Please check out my previous website for written articles as well more information!
I have written tow books, Preaching with Biblical Passion", and "Preaching the Gospel Message."
Here are some endorsements for "Preaching with Biblical Passion."
Dr. Joel Beeke,President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
"Mr. Grossi's book is a timely call to return to biblical, Spirit-anointed preaching, akin to what the Puritans called "plain preaching." Such preaching does justice to the glory of God, the centrality of Christ, the saving ministry of the Holy Spirit, the depravity of man, and the invitations of the gospel! Tolle Lege! (Take up and read)"
Dr. Wayne Mack, Counselor, Author "Upon reading Mr. Grossi's manuscript, I must commend him for the evident research he has done. As a college and seminary professor who reads MA and Doctorate level theses, I was struck by the extensive bibliography that he has used. I am thankful for the many quotes from Scripture and otherwise, which demonstrated the research done. These numerous quotes add weight to what he is trying to say, especially by the fact that he quotes from the right extra biblical sources. The book is well written with good phrasing and use of illustrations. Mr. Grossi makes his points well with good applications. The material flows well and is coherent and progressive with one chapter building upon previous chapters."
“I have known Pastor Grossi for many years and have always held him in the highest regard. His book is refreshing for several reasons. First, it does not focus on secular, i.e. carnal, sales techniques to promote church growth but on the biblical nature and focus of true spiritual preaching. Second, it does not play down the pain and suffering connected with true biblical preaching. If you call sin "sin" and call sinners to repentance, you will be maligned and slandered as unkind, unloving, cruel, etc. But these are what the devil and his crowd said about the prophets, apostles, and even Jesus! Third, it is comprehensive in its treatment. It deserves a good reading by anyone training men for the future ministry and for those in the pulpit today. I highly recommend it!" Dr. Robert A. Morey, Ph.D., D. Min, D.D. Past President of California Biblical University and Seminary and presently Executive of the Research and Education Foundation
"We've all heard the wise, age-old saying: 'Practice what you preach.' Gabriel Grossi is someone who also 'preaches what he writes and writes what he preaches.' Every homiletics professor on the planet should make Gabriel Grossi's "Preaching with Biblical Passion" required reading. Every homiletics professor should also get a hold of Gabriel Grossi's itinerary and take his students on a field trip to hear how preaching is supposed to be done!" Chris Arnzen, Host of the "Iron Sharpens Iron" Radio Broadcast
"Gabriel Grossi has written a useful book on effective Bible-based, Spirit-anointed preaching. . . . He provides a compact summary of the distinctive features that have typically influenced and characterized preaching within the Reformed stream of the Protestant Reformation. Particularly valuable are the Scripture references cited. . . . The touch of a good editorial hand and careful proofreader for the next printing will greatly enhance a book worth reading in spite of its production errors.†See the full review of the book by James M. Garretson: The Banner of Truth April 2007 Issue 523