Emmaus Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a Reformed Church that Christ is gathering:
To make known the glory of the triune God
To show us our spiritual poverty that we might cling to Christ alone
To turn us from our sins to righteousness
To teach us to delight in the Lord
To strengthen families to be mighty in the Lord's service
To encourage each one to use his gifts to serve Christ and one another in love
To heal the hurting, bind up broken lives and hearts, and encourage the afflicted
To proclaim the gospel to our community and our world
We preach Christ and Him crucified. We exist to glorify God. We are committed to the historic Christian faith revealed in the Old and New Testaments and summarized in the Westminster Standards (the Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms). We welcome everyone to come and hear God's Word and enjoy fellowship with Christ and His people.
Service Times
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Primary Speaker: Archibald A. AllisonArchibald Allison studied theology at the Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches and at Bethel Orthodox Presbyterian Church under his father and the Rev. G. I. Williamson. A life-long member of the reformed church, he has served as a ruling... | more..
We have been very pleased with our partnership with SermonAudio. For years we have posted audio to the site and now we are able to webcast our services. What you provide for churches like ours is a a big help for people who either can’t get out or who don’t live nearby but would like to listen to or watch our church service. A lot of our people really appreciate you because it is an easy way for them to access sermons again or to share sermons with friends and families. We have had some folks find us through the SermonAudio website, visit us, and some have joined our church. Some years ago a younger man who had come to Christ found us somehow on SermonAudio. He called his parent who lived in the area and told them what he had found. It ended up that over time both this young man and his parents united with our church! Being on your site is also a blessing personally because my parents are able to tune in every Sunday evening to our church. You can see that SermonAudio has been a blessing in many different ways! Thanks for all your work.
Exalt the Lord in the assembly of his people, and praise him in the company of the elders (Psalm 107:32). If you are not able to gather with God's people in person, join the congregation of Emmaus OPC in the public worship of the Lord our God each Sa..