Christ the King Presbyterian Church
Rev. Mike Biggs | Norman, Oklahoma
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As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, Christ the King Presbyterian Church reflects our denomination’s distinctive and vision for a church that is faithful to the Scriptures, true to the Reformed Faith, and obedient to the Great Commission.
Service Times
Christian Education: 9:00 AM Worship: 10:30 AM
-- sermons by speaker -- Beaty, Nathaniel 7 Beisner, E. Calvin 1 Biggs, John Robert 6 Biggs, Mike 688 Biggs, Stephen 1 Butler, John Owen 4 Corbin, Brent 1 Cowden, Tyler 3 Cox, John 5 Dorst, Johnathan 1 Fuqua, Dale 2 Hammons, Timothy 1 Hurt, Virgil 1 Martin, Wes 1 Morris, Scott 8 Philliber, Michael 3 Post, James 3 Pyles, Tony 120 Sandlin, Andrew 1 Taylor, Dewayne 3 Tonne, Ethan 1 Turner, Ross 1 Westmoreland, Justin 9 Wiley, Matt 2
Bible Version
Total Sermons
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Member Since
September 2014