Our Mission: We exist to spread a passion for God as our all satisfying treasure to all people through Jesus Christ.
Bible-saturated: In order for a church to be healthy, we believe the Word of God must be at the center of the church and not at the periphery. It is our strong conviction that Spirit filled expository preaching is the most faithful way to ensure that the whole counsel of God is proclaimed. Expository preaching is simply allowing the meaning of the text of scripture to determine the content of the sermon. While topical sermons are valuable from time to time, we believe the steady diet of the church should be exposition through books of the Bible.
Intentional in our relationships: Programs, events, or buildings is not how we want to be characterized. The Church is the people of God. We want to be a people who share life together through care for each other, accountability, prayer, and a deep and growing understanding of the gospel.
Biblical evangelism: We will strive to be involved in our community to impact people from every walk of life with the powerful news that Christ has come to reconcile sinners to God through his life, death on the cross, and his resurrection.
Gospel growth: The gospel is not just the doorway to Heaven. It's much more than that. The gospel is the way we mature in the faith. It is not just the way we are saved but the means by which we change! So we depend upon God's grace to help us become and remain a gospel centered church that preaches the good news first to ourselves, then to the people of Goldsboro and our world. We will work to spread the news that Jesus is our supreme treasure and our ultimate delight.