The elders of Christ Church of Tucson believe God has called Christ’s Church of Tucson to be a family of believers who:
Are driven by sense of urgency to know God and make Him known.
Uphold the preaching, teaching and practice of the word of God unto the glory of Christ.
Believe the church exists to edify and equip the family of believers to do the work of the ministry and to evangelize the lost.
Accept the Bible has central to their fellowship.
Understand the church should be an agent for spiritual transformation, not a social change agency.
In addition to the doctrines found in the doctrinal statement of Christ’s Church of Tucson, the elders of Christ’s Church of Tucson have identified the following doctrines as essential to the goal of fulfilling God’s call upon the life of Christ’s Church of Tucson.
The Doctrines of Grace.
The Lordship of Jesus Christ.
The cessation of the sign gifts.
The imminent pre-tribulation rapture of the church saints.
The pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ.
Seven year period of tribulation.
The future of Israel.
The elders of Christ Church of Tucson also believe that a commitment to the following biblical principles is imperative to Christ’s Church of Tucson’s endeavors to fulfill God’s call upon her life.
The verse by verse exposition of the scriptures.
The plurality of elders.
Worship that is about the exaltation of God and not about meeting the “felt needs” of man.
The guidelines provided by scripture in order to maintain holiness within the body of believers.
Believers need to be participators and not spectators.