We are a community of Christians committed to glorifying God, glorying in God, and serving the city through our worship, our life together, and our gospel mission.
What We Believe
God’s Word defines what Christ Church NYC believes and does, and so we as a community of believers seek to consistently be humble before God and his Word, as we joyfully dedicate ourselves to studying it and applying it to our lives.
Therefore we, along with Anglicans around the world, affirm our belief in historic Christianity as revealed in the Bible and summarized in three creeds: The Apostles‘, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. We further subscribe to the 39 Articles of Religion from the Book of Common Prayer, which express the central beliefs of the Anglican Communion. Finally, as a renewed declaration of historic gospel-centered Anglicanism affirmed by contemporary Anglican leaders around the world, we likewise affirm the Jerusalem Declaration (2008) as a concise summary of the beliefs to which we hold.
For more information, please visit our website. We invite you to come worship with us on Sundays at 10 AM!