Cornerstone Bible Church is a church that holds to historic baptist principles as laid out in the 2nd London Confession of Faith - 1689. We are located in Miami, Florida USA. We are united together as a fellowship of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ by our mutual faith in the things revealed by God in the Bible. Our faith rests solely and ultimately on the Bible as the Word of God.
Briefly, the particulars of our faith and practice are evangelical, reformed, and baptistic. We believe that the Scriptures teach that we must be saved by grace alone, through faith in Christ alone, and that this salvation is revealed to us through the Scriptures alone. And we believe that the Scriptures have revealed that a believer’s baptism by immersion is an act of the obedience of faith commanded in the Scriptures.
SermonAudio along with our Radio Ministry and Webpage, continue being main avenue for outreach into our large community of Miami and beyond. I have shared with friends in ministry that perhaps the days of "door knocking" and "track passing" (to strangers and by strangers), are no longer the most effective way of getting our ministries and the Gospel of Jesus Christ presented to our communities. For good and for evil, 21st Century society has turned to the cyber media and social networks; this is where we are most commonly engaging our Jerusalem, Samaria and even "the ends of the earth", and even though society may and has changed, the Great Commission mandate has not and SermonAudio is an affordable and useful tool the Lord has enabled for the modern church to use in the pursuit of Jesus' mission that as we go, we must "make disciples, baptize them and teach them all things He has commanded, even to the end of the age." SermonAudio is an important line item, in our church "Evangelism and Outreach" yearly budget, and for us, it is not a fancy convenience, but a mandated necessity.