First Baptist Church of Goodpine exists by the grace of God, for the glory of God, to fulfill the call to make and mature disciples of all nations by faithfully pursuing the five (5) irreducible, non-negotiable marks of a true church: 1) Continually governed and ruled under the Holy Scriptures in preaching, teaching, and everyday life. 2) Being led and directed by scripturally-qualified men. 3) Faithfully, reverently, and joyfully observing the only two ordinances of the gospel – Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. 4) Compassionately exercising Church Discipline – Formative and Corrective. 5) Living vibrant Christian lives of spiritual worship, fellowship and brotherly love, sanctification and holiness of life, corporate prayer, evangelism and missions, and charity and benevolence towards those inside and outside the church.
Service Times
Sunday School 9:45AM
Sunday Worship 10:45AM
Wednesday Night 6:30PM
I think you all offer a tremendous service and a great opportunity for churches. We have several families who are oilfield workers and their jobs often pulls them away from church at times but they can easily keep up with the messages I preach through SermonAudio. That’s important because I use expository preaching and this allows them to keep up with the series I’m working through. Our senior citizens and others who have to miss a service because of health also really profit from SermonAudio also. Our seniors who often can’t make still feel a part of the ministry even though they aren’t present because they can listen in on SermonAudio. Several of my friends had told me about SermonAudio and I sort of stumbled across the site and am so glad we signed up with you. We are a globally-minded, missions-minded church and the more we get the message out there the more opportunity people have to hear and respond to the gospel. SermonAudio is a great tool to do this. We are also pleased with who you feature on the site because they are great men of God who we greatly respect. We know we can trust you and the content on the site. Thanks for all you do.