The mission of Bethel Baptist Church is to make and build disciples of Christ by presenting and living the gospel through authentic, Christ-honoring, Biblical worship according to Christ's will and direction with excellence for God's glory.
Service Times
Sunday School ... 9:30 a.m.
Morning Service ... 11 a.m.
Home Groups ... 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday ... 6:45 p.m.
Primary Speaker: Jim GhanayemThe Lord has given Jim, a native Marylander, a great desire to reach Maryland with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He loves to preach and teach, help people grow spiritually, and present the gospel to all who realize their need for a relationship with Jesus... | more..
SermonAudio has been extremely helpful in our church ministry in three specific ways. We have a lot of people move to our area and several families started attending our church who first discovered us on SermonAudio. Secondly, the opportunity to livestream our services has especially encouraged our shut-ins who can’t regularly attend worship with us. If needed, we will go to their home and get them all set up to watch our services so they continue to feel connected with us. Thirdly, often in counseling or when people ask me about a particular passage of Scripture or Biblical doctrine, I will send them a link on a message I have preached. It enables them to listen to it, process it and come back and discuss it with me. I was just talking with someone the other day about a particular doctrine and I was able to direct them to a couple of messages on that issue. I love the mobile app you have. I recommend your site to members who spend lots of time commuting to listen to SermonAudio messages while they are driving. Thanks for your ministry.