Speaker: Darrell Ferguson
2,230 sermons
(360) How to Know if You're Saved - Mt.7:21-23
Most people believe they are on their way to heaven. But Jesus said most people are on their way to hell. And a whole lot of people who identify as Christians are in for a shock on judgment day.
>What Betrothal to Christ?.. - 1/20/2020 Pt.1 Introduction to the.. - 7/1/2020 Pt.2 Kingdom Living Here.. - 7/2/2020 Pt.3 Motivations for.. - 7/3/2020 Pt.4 Why Do I Cave In to.. - 7/6/2020 Pt.5 Strategies for.. - 7/7/2020 Pt.6 Jesus' Audience - 7/8/2020 Pt.7 The Poor in Spirit - 7/9/2020 Pt.8 The Rich in Spirit - 7/10/2020 Pt.9 How to Increase Your.. - 7/13/2020 Pt.10 Move that Bus! - 7/14/2020 Pt.11 YOURS is the Kingdom - 7/15/2020 Pt.12 God's Reign through You - 7/16/2020 Pt.13 Royal Priesthood - 7/17/2020 Pt.14 This Kingdom's King - 7/20/2020 Pt.15 What if you're not.. - 7/21/2020 Pt.16 The Kind of Mourning.. - 7/22/2020 Pt.17 Whose Displeasure Do.. - 7/23/2020 Pt.18 He Will Comfort You - 7/24/2020 Pt.19 God's Methods of - 7/27/2020 Pt.20 Sharing God's Affections - 7/28/2020 Pt.22 On the Job Suffering.. - 7/30/2020 Pt.23 Which direction does.. - 7/31/2020 Pt.24 God's Personal Comfort - 8/3/2020 Pt.25 How to Comfort those.. - 8/4/2020 Sermon on the Mount Pt.26.. - 8/5/2020 Sermon on the Mount pt.27.. - 8/6/2020 Sermon on the Mount Pt.28.. - 8/7/2020 Sermon on the Mount Pt.29.. - 8/10/2020 Sermon on the Mount Pt.30.. - 8/11/2020 Sermon on the Mount pt.31.. - 8/12/2020 Sermon on the Mount pt.32.. - 8/13/2020 Sermon on the Mount pt.33.. - 8/14/2020 Sermon on the Mount pt.34.. - 8/17/2020 Sermon on the Mount pt.35.. - 8/18/2020 Beatitudes pt.36 How.. - 8/19/2020 Beatitudes pt37 Mercy Defined - 8/20/2020 Beatitudes pt.38 Mercy for.. - 8/21/2020 Beatitudes Pt.39 Weightier.. - 8/24/2020 Beatitudes pt.40 The Reward.. - 8/25/2020 Beatitudes Pt.41 Is God's.. - 8/26/2020 Beatitudes pt.42 Q&A on.. - 8/27/2020 Beatitudes pt.43 What Does.. - 8/28/2020 Beatitudes pt.44 You Become.. - 8/31/2020 Beatitudes Pt.45 How to See.. - 9/1/2020 Beatitudes Pt.46 What is.. - 9/2/2020 Beatitudes pt.47 Actions.. - 9/3/2020 Beatitudes pt.48 Q&A on the.. - 9/4/2020 49 Only Peacemakers Go to.. - 9/7/2020 50 Why Does Peacemaking.. - 9/8/2020 52 Why 'Yahweh' in the OT.. - 9/10/2020 53 The Benefits of Sonship - 9/11/2020 Pt.54 The Blessing for the.. - 9/14/2020 55 Why Do So Many People.. - 9/15/2020 56 Does Verbal Persecution.. - 9/16/2020 57 When Is It Ok to Avoid.. - 9/17/2020 58 How to Rejoice and Be Glad - 9/18/2020 59 Intimacy with Christ.. - 9/21/2020 60 Q&A on Blessed Are the.. - 9/22/2020 Pt.61 Do You Take Jesus'.. - 9/23/2020 Pt.62 Do You Rejoice in.. - 9/24/2020 Pt.63 Are You Motivated by.. - 9/25/2020 Pt.64 Will You Get a.. - 9/28/2020 Pt.65 Consider the Outcome.. - 9/29/2020 Pt.66 Persecution Q and A - 9/30/2020 67 What is Salt and Light? - 10/1/2020 68 Is Saltiness Lifestyle.. - 10/2/2020 69 How to Avoid Persecution - 10/5/2020 70 Are Sinners Comfortable.. - 10/6/2020 71 A Word of Encouargement - 10/7/2020 72 The Solution to This.. - 10/8/2020 73 What does "Light of the.. - 10/9/2020 74 Light that Can't Be Seen.. - 10/12/2020 75 Tasteless salt.. - 10/13/2020 76 Q&A on Salt and Light - 10/14/2020 77 Salt and Light is for - 10/15/2020 78 God doesn't strand his.. - 10/16/2020 79 How do you do good deeds.. - 10/19/2020 80 How to do laundry for.. - 10/20/2020 81 They will glorify the.. - 10/21/2020 82 Q&A on Living for God's.. - 10/22/2020 83 What's the Role of the.. - 10/23/2020 84 How Jesus Drew Strength.. - 10/26/2020 85 The Fulfillment of God's.. - 10/27/2020 86 Why do we obey some OT.. - 10/28/2020 87 Which Parts of Scripture.. - 10/29/2020 88 Q&A on Christ and the Law - 10/30/2020 The Civil Law - 11/2/2020 Ceremonial Law - 11/3/2020 The Weightier Matters - 11/4/2020 92 Christ in the Whole Bible - 11/5/2020 93 Q and A on Christ.. - 11/6/2020 94 Kingdom Greatness: How.. - 11/9/2020 95 How to Seek Greatness.. - 11/10/2020 96 How God Can Glorify.. - 11/11/2020 97 How Not To Be Great - 11/12/2020 98 How to Become Great in.. - 11/13/2020 99 How to Commune with God.. - 11/16/2020 100 What is the Greater.. - 11/17/2020 What Makes a Rule Legalistic? - 11/18/2020 102 Does Your Righteousness.. - 11/19/2020 103 The DNA of Anger - 11/20/2020 104 Q&A on Anger - 11/23/2020 Do name-callers deserve hell? - 11/24/2020 Do namecalling like Jesus - 11/25/2020 Do you praise good in people? - 11/26/2020 Step to Reconciliation - 11/27/2020 Are You the Innocent Party? - 11/30/2020 When God Rejects Your Worship - 12/1/2020 111 Averting Disaster - 12/2/2020 Q&A on Reconciliation - 12/3/2020 What is Lust? - 12/4/2020 114 Eye Adultery--Literal.. - 12/7/2020 115 What makes lust so wrong? - 12/8/2020 Why is marital love exclusive? - 12/9/2020 117 The Faithfulness of God - 12/10/2020 118 The Beauty of Modesty - 12/11/2020 119 Q&A on Looking with Lust - 12/14/2020 120 The Solution to Lust - 12/15/2020 121 All Out War - 12/16/2020 Two Motives for Fighting Sin - 12/17/2020 Is Hell on the Table? - 12/18/2020 124 Q&A On Eternal Security.. - 12/21/2020 125 Using Joy to Overcome Sin - 1/4/2021 126 Why Resolutions Don't.. - 1/5/2021 127 Fight Desire with Desire - 1/6/2021 128 Stay Alert! - 1/7/2021 How to Get More Grace - 1/8/2021 How to Get Power from the Spir - 1/11/2021 131 Q&A on Fighting Sin - 1/12/2021 Which Divorces Are Adultery? - 1/13/2021 Aren't Some Marriages Doomed? - 1/14/2021 Why Does God Hate Divorce? - 1/15/2021 135 God as Refuge - 1/18/2021 136 Should We Be Lenient or.. - 1/19/2021 137 What Does Betrothal to.. - 1/20/2021 The Exception Clause - 1/21/2021 Why Not Just Forgive Adultery? - 1/22/2021 140 God's Second Best?.. - 1/25/2021 141 Q&A on Divorce - 1/26/2021 142 Legalized Dishonesty.. - 1/27/2021 143 Your Holy Hair.. - 1/28/2021 144 Life Under Oath.. - 1/29/2021 145 How to Become More.. - 2/1/2021 146 Q&A on Truthtelling.. - 2/2/2021 147 Are You Guilty of.. - 2/3/2021 Did Jesus Overturn Eye for eye - 2/4/2021 149 How to Win an Argument.. - 2/5/2021 150 Seek Honor from God - 2/8/2021 151 Q&A on Eye for an Eye - 2/9/2021 152 The Power of a Soft.. - 2/24/2021 153 When People Make.. - 2/25/2021 154 When Not to Give.. - 2/26/2021 155 Overcome Evil with Good.. - 3/1/2021 156 David vs. Saul's Evil.. - 3/2/2021 157 Q&A on Turning the.. - 3/3/2021 158 Who Are Your Enemies? –.. - 3/4/2021 Which Kind of Love Do You Have - 3/5/2021 160 Why Does God Love the.. - 3/8/2021 161 Has God Withheld.. - 3/9/2021 How to Love Hard People - 3/10/2021 Q&A on Loving Your Enemies - 3/10/2021 You Have it in You - Mt.5:44ff - 3/12/2021 What Are You Afraid of Losing? - 3/15/2021 Leave Room for God's Wrath - 3/16/2021 Smoldering Resentment - 3/17/2021 168 The Grace of Greetings.. - 3/18/2021 169 Be Perfect? - Mt.5:48 - 3/19/2021 Second Q&A on Loving Enemies - 3/22/2021 Is There Fire on Your Alter? - 3/23/2021 Dont Be Good for Goodness sake - 3/24/2021 Everything Will Be Rewarded or - 3/25/2021 Using God or Seeking God - 3/26/2021 What Treasure Motivates You? - 3/29/2021 How to Enjoy God Watching You - 3/30/2021 Reading the Meaning of a Gift - 3/31/2021 178 Q&A on Living for.. - 4/1/2021 Why "Cheerful" Giver? - 4/2/2021 180 Giving for Reward - Mt.6:2 - 4/5/2021 Does the amount matter? - 4/6/2021 How Not to Die of Worm Bites - 4/7/2021 Do You Want a Gobstopper? - 4/8/2021 The Motive X-Ray Machine - 4/9/2021 185 Q&A on Giving in Secret - 4/12/2021 You're Not a Hypocrite, Right? - 4/13/2021 187 One-Handed Giving - 4/14/2021 Did God Accept Your Gift? - 4/15/2021 The Currency of Reward - 4/16/2021 191 Q&A on Reward - 4/20/2021 192 Are Your Prayers.. - 4/21/2021 Is Planned Prayer Necessary? - 4/22/2021 What if You Don't Enjoy Prayer - 4/23/2021 Why does God Reward Prayer? - 4/26/2021 Practical Tips for Prayer - 4/27/2021 What's Wrong w/ Many Words? - 4/28/2021 Why Pray if God Already Knows? - 4/29/2021 When Should a Prayer Be Long? - 4/30/2021 Your Desires Make a Sound - 5/4/2021 What Will Make God to Say Yes? - 5/4/2021 202 Q&A on Praying Like a.. - 5/5/2021 How to Improve Your Prayers - 5/6/2021 Does the Address Matter? - 5/8/2021 Why "Our Father"? - 5/10/2021 The Meaning of Fatherhood - 5/11/2021 207 Q&A on "Our Father" - 5/12/2021 Fellowship with the Spirit - 5/13/2021 The Bible's Greatest Promise - 5/14/2021 Do You Hallow God's Name? - 5/17/2021 Hallowing God's Name - 5/18/2021 212 Q&A on Hallowed Be Your.. - 5/19/2021 Parable of the Ship & Rowboat - 5/20/2021 How Strong Is Your Desire for - 5/21/2021 Your Role in the 2nd Coming - 5/24/2021 His kingdom vs Your Kingdom - 5/25/2021 Is the Church the Kingdom? - 5/26/2021 Does God Always Do His Will? - 5/27/2021 God's Desire for You - 5/28/2021 How to Change Your Desires - 5/31/2021 Do You Love God's Will? - 6/1/2021 Adding Joy to Obedience - 6/2/2021 223 Q&A on God's Will - 6/3/2021 Loopholes and God's Law - 6/4/2021 Where Does Your Will Get You? - 6/7/2021 When His Plan is Excruciating - 6/8/2021 Humble Yourself to Be Happy - 6/9/2021 Praying to God About God - 6/10/2021 Prayer &the Sovereignty of God - 6/14/2021 230 Q&A on God's Plan - 6/15/2021 The Key to Happy Generosity - 6/16/2021 Is it ok to pray for a hot tub - 6/30/2021 8 Guidelines for Pleasures - 7/1/2021 Daily bread or annual supply? - 7/2/2021 234 Our Provider - Mt.6:11 - 7/5/2021 Understanding God's Wrath - 7/6/2021 Do You Deserve a Break Today? - 7/7/2021 Escaping the Weight of Guilt - 7/8/2021 Forgiveness is More than Pardo - 7/9/2021 Escaping the Weight of Guilt - 7/12/2021 240 How to Be Forgiven - 7/13/2021 241 Q&A on God's Forgiveness - 7/14/2021 Aren't we already forgiven? - 7/15/2021 243 When Anger Gives way to.. - 7/16/2021 Is God Angry with You? - 7/19/2021 When the Joy of Salvation Retu - 7/20/2021 How to Receive Forgiveness - 7/21/2021 Q&A on Temporal Forgiveness - 7/22/2021 Do You Know the Danger You're - 7/23/2021 Don't Be Like Peter - 7/26/2021 Does God Lead Us into Temptati - 7/27/2021 How God Protects You from Evil - 7/28/2021 How Genuine is Your Prayer for - 7/29/2021 (253) Q&A on Lead Us not.. - 7/30/2021 Can You Lose Your Forgiveness? - 8/2/2021 Is Forgiveness Conditional? - 8/3/2021 Forgive the Unrepentant? - 8/4/2021 How to Be Patient with Small - 8/5/2021 Patience with Big Sins - 8/6/2021 Q&A on Forgiving Others - 8/9/2021 When Should Your Fast? - 8/10/2021 (261) When Should You FEAST? - 8/11/2021 Self-Medicating with Food - 8/12/2021 The Other Kind of Fasting - 8/13/2021 The Fasting of Repentance - 8/16/2021 What Does Fasting Accomplish? - 8/17/2021 God Responds to Fasting - 8/18/2021 The Bad Kind of Fasting - 8/19/2021 (268) Fasting for Reward.. - 8/20/2021 When Stomach is King - 8/23/2021 (270) Q&A on Fasting - 8/24/2021 Don't Store up Treasure? - 8/25/2021 Are You an Approval Junkie? - 8/26/2021 Live for the Line, not the dot - 8/27/2021 Heaven is Better than Nirvana - 8/30/2021 (275) Use It; Don't Love It.. - 8/31/2021 (276) Q&A on Storing up.. - 9/1/2021 How Much Is Too Much? - 9/2/2021 It's Immoral not to Seek Rewar - 9/3/2021 Why desiring reward is moral - 9/6/2021 How to Get Excited Reward - 9/7/2021 Is there Football in Heaven? - 9/8/2021 Q&A on Treasure in Heaven - 9/9/2021 How much Light in Your Eyes? - 9/10/2021 What's Discoloring Your Vision - 9/14/2021 How to Look with Both Eyes - 9/15/2021 (287) Q&A on the Dark Lamp - 9/16/2021 How to Detect Satan's Foothold - 9/17/2021 When Gods Laws Feel Burdensome - 9/20/2021 Force Money to Bow the Knee - 9/21/2021 Make Your Money Serve You - 9/22/2021 (292) Q&A on Mt.6:24 - 9/23/2021 Good Anxiety - 9/24/2021 (294) More Good Anxiety - 9/27/2021 Did God Give You a Body? - 9/28/2021 Birds Can't Farm - 9/29/2021 How Much Are You Worth to God? - 9/30/2021 What God Says about Your Fears - 10/1/2021 (299) Q&A about Worry - 10/4/2021 (300) Choked by Anxiety.. - 10/5/2021 What Anxieties Teach Us - 10/6/2021 (302) - Mt.6:28-33 - 10/7/2021 You'll Suffer-but Don't Worry - 10/8/2021 (304) Embrace the Race.. - 10/11/2021 (305) Q&A on Worry - 10/12/2021 (306) - Matthew 6:27-34 - 10/13/2021 Fired from Your Job as Worrier - 10/14/2021 (308) Jumping the Gun on.. - 10/15/2021 How Great is Today's Burden? - 10/18/2021 Trusting from 4pm to 5pm - 10/19/2021 (311) He Knows - Mt.6:32 - 10/20/2021 (312) Q&A on Matthew 6:27-31 - 10/21/2021 The Good Kind of Judging - 10/22/2021 Does God Judge His Children? - 10/25/2021 Judging Legalisticlly - 10/26/2021 Judging Superficially/Self-Ri - 10/27/2021 Judging Unmercifully - 10/28/2021 Judging Ignorantly/Prematurely - 10/29/2021 Punishment for Judgmentalism - 11/1/2021 Hypocritical Judging - 11/2/2021 Why Is Your Sin Always a Log? - 11/3/2021 How to Perform a Logectomy - 11/4/2021 (323) Speckecktomy - Mt.7:3-5 - 11/5/2021 Two Keys for Confronting Sin - 11/8/2021 When to Cut Someone off - 11/9/2021 When You're Insulted - 11/10/2021 What You Have to Offer - 11/11/2021 Do You Give up too Easy? - 11/12/2021 (329) Q&A on Casting Pearls.. - 11/15/2021 (330) Chicken Glasses - Mt.7:7 - 11/16/2021 What's the Catch? - 11/17/2021 Which is Better: Relief or Gra - 11/18/2021 Why Does God Say No to Good Re - 11/19/2021 How to Measure Your Faith - 11/22/2021 (335) So Why Pray? - Mt.7:7 - 11/23/2021 Are You Asking without Seeking - 11/24/2021 Are You Receptive to God's Gi - 11/25/2021 Is God Like a Grumpy Neighbor? - 11/26/2021 (339) Waiting on the Lord.. - 11/29/2021 (340) Depravity and Grace.. - 11/30/2021 (341) Golden Judging - Mt.7:12 - 12/1/2021 What Women (and Men) Really Wa - 12/2/2021 Use Selfishness to Your Advntg - 12/3/2021 (344) The Golden Goal.. - 12/6/2021 (345) The Golden Promise.. - 12/7/2021 The Religion of Obama and Bush - 12/8/2021 How Hard Is Christianity? - 12/9/2021 (348) Life! - Mt.7:13-14 - 12/10/2021 The Components of Life - 12/13/2021 How to Receive Eternal Life - 12/14/2021 (351) Q&A on the Narrow Road - 12/15/2021 Jesus' Greatest Warning - 12/29/2021 (353) Where Are You Headed?.. - 12/30/2021 (354) Who Could Fool You?.. - 12/31/2021 (355) Wolf Hunting.. - 1/3/2022 (356) Doctrinal Fruit.. - 1/4/2022 Do You Fear the Judge? - 1/5/2022 Are You Known by Christ? - 1/6/2022 Do You Love God's Will? - 1/7/2022 How to Know if You're Saved - 1/10/2022 (361) Q&A on Mt.7:21-23 - 1/11/2022 The Perfect Storm Is Coming - 1/12/2022 How to Be Sure You're Saved - 1/13/2022 How to Be Sure You're Saved - 1/14/2022 Saved by Grace; Assured by Wor - 1/17/2022 (366) Degrees of Obedience.. - 1/18/2022
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