What an Awesome God we have, God knew that even before He called Jonah, that he was going to disobey Him.
God knew that Jonah was going to try to run away from the presence of God, and His calling. And yet God still send a great fish to save Jonah!
Not only did God save Jonah’s life, but He also saved the sailors souls!
Even though the Lord used a great fish to save jonah, at the end of the day Jonah knew that it was God who saved Him!
The lord prepared a great fish to deliver, and save Jonah! But do you know that God prepared a GREAT SAVIOR for you?
God demonstrated His love for us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us!
2000 years ago God came on a rescue mission, He became the Son of God, and lived a perfect life, He suffered and died on the cross for all our sins! |