We Can't Play God and Submit to God — At The Same Time
It's impossible to play God and submit to God. It's impossible to surrender to God and play the part of God. Because they "know" what God should do or should've done. You can't help those who don't want to be helped.
Is there a situation or circumstance in your life that's hijacked your joy and just gnawing at your contentment? Is there something eroading your sensitivity, to be awed by God, like a steady stream of water overflowing its banks? That something, whatever it is, doesn't have to own you. Wherever we center or place our focus, and therefore, give our attention unto, is who or what we work for... therefore, they own us as long as we are serving its agenda. And life's situations and circumstances are a tough task master to serve... they will manipulate you and fill your peace with grief and sorrow. And the longer you serve it --- the more bitter and negative you'll become. How do we escape the "thing" that's eating away at us? We escape, not the circumstance but who we serve, by putting our focus on something bigger and brighter and better. We shift our focus and attention on the One who will use that situation in our lives to make us bigger and brighter and better for going through it with our minds fixed upon Him.
When your joy is hijacked, and your peace is under attack, turn your eyes upon Jesus and place your faith in Him --- for He promises to keep you in perfect peace, no matter what you have to face. Trust Him with your life and the things you go through. Follow His lead, listen for His voice and rejoice in the victory He ushers into your struggles...from day to day.
"IN THIS you greatly rejoice |