Nathan Trice | Matthews, North Carolina
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Speaker: Nathan Trice
1,611 sermons
In the Wake of US v. Windsor: "The Good News for Gays and Lesbians"
This sermon is from a series originally preached by Pastor Trice in 2014, following the landmark Supreme Court decision "US v. Windsor" which struck down the Defense of Marriage act of 1996, opening the door to federally approved same-sex marriage in America. Note that there are references in it to the original name of our congregation: "Matthews Orthodox Presbyterian Church."
>Washing as Worship - 1/13/2013 Eating and Drinking as Worship - 1/27/2013 A Blessing For God's People - 2/3/2013 The Resurrection Proclamation - 5/22/2022 Global Conquest - 5/29/2022 Water as a Tool of Dominion - 6/5/2022 Words as a Tool of Dominion - 6/12/2022 Assured Success - 6/19/2022 The Kingdom and Your Family - 6/26/2022 The Kingdom and Your Calling - 7/3/2022 The Kingdom and Your Church - 7/10/2022 The Kingdom and Your World - 7/17/2022 Strange Notions of Heaven - 7/24/2022 The History of Heaven - 7/31/2022 Dying and Going to Heaven - 8/7/2022 New Heavens and New Earth - 8/14/2022 A World Without Genesis | Na.. - 9/18/2022 The Inimitable Creator | Nat.. - 9/25/2022 The Creator Exemplar | Natha.. - 10/2/2022 The Creation Council | Natha.. - 10/9/2022 Light for the Cosmos | Natha.. - 10/16/2022 Heaven Above | Nathan Trice - 10/23/2022 Land! | Nathan Trice - 10/30/2022 The Heavens Filled | Nathan.. - 11/6/2022 Let There Be Life | Nathan T.. - 11/13/2022 Man Among the Beasts | Natha.. - 11/20/2022 In the Likeness of God | Nat.. - 11/27/2022 Created Male and Female | Na.. - 12/4/2022 The Mission of Mankind | Nat.. - 12/11/2022 A Culture-Making Calling | N.. - 12/11/2022 All Very Good | Nathan Trice - 12/18/2022 Foundations of Hope | Justin.. - 1/1/2023 A Living Hope | Justin Rosser - 1/8/2023 The Creator at Rest | Nathan.. - 1/15/2023 Handholds in Suffering | Jus.. - 1/15/2023 Delighting in the Creator |.. - 1/22/2023 The Days of Creation | Natha.. - 1/22/2023 God's Gardener | Nathan Trice - 1/29/2023 A Privileged People | Justin.. - 1/29/2023 Set Your Hope | Justin Rosser - 2/5/2023 The Land of Eden | Nathan Tr.. - 2/12/2023 The Good Kind of Fear | Just.. - 2/12/2023 The Holy Place | Nathan Trice - 2/19/2023 Enabled to Love | Justin Ros.. - 2/19/2023 A Man in the Making | Nathan.. - 2/26/2023 Got Milk? | Justin Rosser - 2/26/2023 Alive, But Alone | Nathan Tr.. - 3/5/2023 Chip Off the Ol' Block | Jus.. - 3/5/2023 Naming and Claiming | Nathan.. - 3/12/2023 What an Honor | Justin Rosser - 3/12/2023 Adam's Rib? | Nathan Trice - 3/19/2023 A Child-Like Peace | Nathan.. - 3/19/2023 To Have and to Hold | Nathan.. - 3/26/2023 How to Sojourn | Justin Rosser - 3/26/2023 The King on a Colt | Nathan.. - 4/2/2023 Citizens of Heaven Under Ear.. - 4/2/2023 The Resurrection of the Cosm.. - 4/9/2023 The Mystery Behind Marriage - 4/16/2023 Welcome Mats for Christ - 4/16/2023 The Tree of Life | Nathan Tr.. - 4/23/2023 True Beauty | Justin Rosser - 4/23/2023 The Tree of Knowledge | Nath.. - 4/30/2023 Real Men | Justin Rosser - 4/30/2023 The Creation Covenant | Nath.. - 5/7/2023 Grace for the Ages | Justin.. - 5/7/2023 Naked But Unashamed | Nathan.. - 5/14/2023 Seven Sayings from the Cross.. - 5/14/2023 When They Just Don't Like Yo.. - 5/21/2023 Don't Spoil Your Appetite |.. - 5/21/2023 The Ardor of Worship - 5/24/2023 The Spirituality of God - 5/28/2023 On the Other Side of Sufferi.. - 5/28/2023 Preparation for Worship - 5/31/2023 The Ubiquity of God - 6/4/2023 Willing to Suffer | Justin R.. - 6/4/2023 Called to Worship - 6/7/2023 The Immutability of God - 6/11/2023 Seven Sayings from the Cross.. - 6/11/2023 Invoking God's Help - 6/14/2023 The Wisdom of God - 6/18/2023 "Woman, Behold Your Son" - 6/18/2023 Singing As We Come - 6/21/2023 The Power of God - 6/25/2023 Living in the Light of the E.. - 6/25/2023 Confession and Pardon - 6/28/2023 Rejoice in Suffering | Justi.. - 7/2/2023 Man of Sorrows - 7/2/2023 Bringing an Offering - 7/5/2023 Good Shepherding - 7/9/2023 The Heart of the Gospel - 7/9/2023 Professing Our Faith - 7/12/2023 Humble Help | Justin Rosser - 7/16/2023 The Servant's Triumph - 7/16/2023 Promising Obedience - 7/19/2023 The Goodness of God - 7/23/2023 Beware the Lion | Justin Ros.. - 7/23/2023 Corporate Prayer - 7/26/2023 The Justice of God - 7/30/2023 "My God, Why Have You Forsak.. - 7/30/2023 Reading the Word - 8/2/2023 The Holiness of God | Nathan T - 8/6/2023 "I Thirst" | Nathan Trice - 8/6/2023 Preaching the Word - 8/9/2023 The Happiness of God - 8/13/2023 Hang In There | Justin Rosser - 8/13/2023 The Tri-Unity of God - 8/20/2023 Important Postscript | Justi.. - 8/20/2023 The Love of God - 8/27/2023 The Marriage Bed Undefiled |.. - 8/27/2023 Love for Visual Learners | J.. - 9/3/2023 Faithful Through and Through.. - 9/3/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 9/6/2023 The Devil Incarnate - 9/10/2023 A Clean Congregation | Justi.. - 9/10/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 9/13/2023 The Fall Before the Fall | N.. - 9/17/2023 Paying it Forward | Justin R.. - 9/17/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 9/20/2023 The Wiles of the Devil | Nat.. - 9/24/2023 How (Not) to Divorce | Justi.. - 9/24/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 9/27/2023 Eve Deceived|Nathan Trice - 10/1/2023 "It is Finished"|Nathan Trice - 10/1/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 10/4/2023 "Into Your Hands I Commit My.. - 10/8/2023 Adam Delinquent | Nathan Trice - 10/8/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 10/11/2023 An Evil Initiation | Nathan.. - 10/15/2023 Principles of Property | Jus.. - 10/15/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 10/18/2023 Hiding and Seeking Begun | N.. - 10/22/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 10/25/2023 Confessions of the Impeniten.. - 10/29/2023 King David and Our Response.. - 10/29/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 11/1/2023 A Shelter in the Time of Sto.. - 11/5/2023 Justice Principles | Justin.. - 11/5/2023 The Commencement of Hostilit.. - 11/12/2023 The Gospel in a Curse | Nath.. - 11/19/2023 Fruitfulness Under the Curse.. - 11/26/2023 King David and Our Response.. - 11/26/2023 Romans 11, Part 1: "Has God.. - 11/29/2023 Marriage - Under the Curse |.. - 12/3/2023 Mastercrafted Covenant Cerem.. - 12/5/2023 Romans 11, Part 2: "All Isra.. - 12/6/2023 Dominion -- Under the Curse.. - 12/10/2023 Path of Blessing | Justin Ro.. - 12/10/2023 Romans 11, Part 3: "Banishin.. - 12/13/2023 Dust to Dust | Nathan Trice - 12/17/2023 The Path of the Curse | Just.. - 12/17/2023 Romans 11, Part 4: "Stand in.. - 12/20/2023 Nunc Dimittis | Nathan Trice - 12/24/2023 Romans 11, Part 5: "The Dept.. - 12/27/2023 Strength for a New Year | Ju.. - 12/31/2023 David's Restoration | Andrew.. - 12/31/2023 The Mercy in Our Mortality |.. - 1/7/2024 Commitment Issues: Part 1 |.. - 1/7/2024 Peacemaking, Part 1: "Confes.. - 1/10/2024 Two Champions, Two Fates | N.. - 1/14/2024 Commitment Issues Part II |.. - 1/14/2024 Peacemaking, Part 2: "Bear W.. - 1/17/2024 Adam's Hope; God's Provision.. - 1/21/2024 Commitment Issues Part III |.. - 1/21/2024 Peacemaking, Part 3: "If You.. - 1/24/2024 Paradise . . . Lost! | Natha.. - 1/28/2024 Commitment Issues: Part IV |.. - 1/28/2024 Peacemaking, Part 4: "If You.. - 1/31/2024 The Sons of Man | Nathan Trice - 2/4/2024 Strengthened and Encouraged.. - 2/4/2024 Peacemaking, Part 5: "Help T.. - 2/7/2024 Sin on the Prowl | Nathan Tr.. - 2/11/2024 The Second Song of Moses | J.. - 2/11/2024 Peacemaking, Part 6: "Leave.. - 2/14/2024 The Cry of Abel's Blood | Na.. - 2/18/2024 Peacemaking, Part 7: "Let Hi.. - 2/21/2024 The Curse of Cain | Nathan T.. - 2/25/2024 Take to Heart All the Words.. - 2/25/2024 Peacemaking, Part 8: "Blesse.. - 2/28/2024 The Clan of Cain | Nathan Tr.. - 3/3/2024 #Blessed | Justin Rosser - 3/3/2024 The Death of Moses | Justin.. - 3/10/2024 A Good Time for Calling on G.. - 3/17/2024 Hope for the Hopeless | Just.. - 3/17/2024 The Generations of Adam | Na.. - 3/24/2024 Getting Grounded: Foundation.. - 3/24/2024 Can These Bones Live? | Nath.. - 3/31/2024 Grow | Justin Rosser - 3/31/2024 Christ Among His Fishermen |.. - 4/7/2024 Reasons to Grow | Justin Ros.. - 4/7/2024 The Meaning of Methuselah |.. - 4/14/2024 The Man Who Was Not | Nathan.. - 4/21/2024 Eyewitness Testimony | Justi.. - 4/21/2024 Hard Texts and How to Handle.. - 4/28/2024 Testimony of Scripture | Jus.. - 4/28/2024 The Mighty Men of Old | Nath.. - 5/5/2024 Introducing: False Teachers.. - 5/5/2024 When God Had Regrets | Natha.. - 5/12/2024 Happy Ending | Justin Rosser - 5/12/2024 Favor Amid the Fury | Nathan.. - 5/19/2024 Character Sketch | Justin Ro.. - 5/19/2024 Bait and Switch | Justin Ros.. - 5/26/2024 The End of the World as We K.. - 5/26/2024 When Does Eternal Life Begin.. - 6/2/2024 Getting Ready | Justin Rosser - 6/2/2024 The Law of God: What's to Lo.. - 6/9/2024 The Beginning of the Gospel.. - 6/9/2024 Chosen in Christ | Nathan Tr.. - 6/16/2024 The First of Ten Commandment.. - 6/16/2024 The Second Commandment: Lovi.. - 6/23/2024 Loving God's Name - 6/30/2024 Crucified With Christ | Nath.. - 6/30/2024 The Fourth Commandment: Lovi.. - 7/7/2024 The Sheep's Confidence | And.. - 7/7/2024 The Fifth Commandment: Lovin.. - 7/14/2024 Made Alive With Christ | Nat.. - 7/14/2024 The Sixth Commandment: Lovin.. - 7/21/2024 Justified in Christ | Nathan.. - 7/21/2024 The Seventh Commandment: Lov.. - 7/28/2024 Adopted in Christ | Nathan T.. - 7/28/2024 The Eighth Commandment: Lovi.. - 8/4/2024 The Ninth Commandment: Lovin.. - 8/11/2024 Sanctified in Christ | Natha.. - 8/11/2024 The Tenth Commandment: Lovin.. - 8/18/2024 Glorified With Christ | Nath.. - 8/18/2024 The Wedding at Sinai | Natha.. - 8/25/2024 Joyful Repentance | Caleb Ha.. - 8/25/2024 Why Leviathan Was Made to Sp.. - 9/1/2024 Good News Out of Colossae! |.. - 9/1/2024 The Good News For You | Nath.. - 9/8/2024 Noah the Messiah | Nathan Tr.. - 9/8/2024 Colossae: A Lovely Bride | J.. - 9/8/2024 The Good News for Your World.. - 9/15/2024 An Ark to Escape In | Nathan.. - 9/15/2024 Know to Do | Justin Rosser - 9/15/2024 Where the Church Came From |.. - 9/22/2024 Redemption of the Beasts | N.. - 9/22/2024 Basically Pleasing | Justin.. - 9/22/2024 The Obedience of Noah | Nath.. - 9/29/2024 Big Thanks | Justin Rosser - 9/29/2024 Why the Church is So Importa.. - 10/6/2024 The Judgment Day: A Dress Re.. - 10/6/2024 Jesus is Supreme over Creati.. - 10/6/2024 The Church as a Covenant Com.. - 10/13/2024 Ark Life | Nathan Trice - 10/13/2024 Jesus Is Supreme Over All Cr.. - 10/13/2024 The Kids of the Covenant | N.. - 10/20/2024 Go Out . . . And Multiply! |.. - 10/20/2024 No Longer Exiles | Joby Fowler - 10/20/2024 Never Again! | Nathan Trice - 10/27/2024 Faith in a Willing Savior |.. - 10/27/2024 The Nurture Every Christian.. - 11/3/2024 Dominion Over the Creatures.. - 11/3/2024 Jesus, Supreme Over New Crea.. - 11/3/2024 The Nurture Every Christian.. - 11/10/2024 The Price of LifeBlood | Nat.. - 11/10/2024 Jesus, Supreme Over You | Ju.. - 11/10/2024 The Meaning of Membership |.. - 11/17/2024 A Sign in the Sky | Nathan T.. - 11/17/2024 The Work of a minister | Jus.. - 11/17/2024 As It Was in the Days of Noa.. - 11/24/2024 The Heart of a minister | Ju.. - 11/24/2024 As a Father . . . So the Lor.. - 12/1/2024 Clean Manager or Crops? | Ju.. - 12/1/2024 The Presbyterian Tradition |.. - 12/8/2024 The Prophecy of Noah | Natha.. - 12/8/2024 The Prophecy of Noah - Fulfi.. - 12/15/2024 All Sufficient Christ: Full.. - 12/15/2024 Christmas Lights | Nathan Tr.. - 12/22/2024 All-Sufficient Christ: Circu.. - 12/22/2024 All Sufficient Christ: Forgi.. - 12/29/2024 Priorities for the New Year.. - 12/29/2024 The Five Points of Financial.. - 1/5/2025 Out of the Shadows | Justin.. - 1/5/2025 Why Sing the Psalms of David? - 1/8/2025 Wine for a Wedding - 1/12/2025 Fleshy Christians | Justin R.. - 1/12/2025 "Songs for Those Who Don't F.. - 1/15/2025 Fury in the Temple - 1/19/2025 A World of Nothing | Justin.. - 1/19/2025 "Songs That Lead Us From Sad.. - 1/22/2025 An Unimpressive Miracle | Na.. - 1/26/2025 All About Him | Justin Rosser - 1/27/2025 "Singing Those Psalms That S.. - 1/29/2025 Enabling for an Invalid | Na.. - 2/2/2025 Why We're All About Him | Ju.. - 2/2/2025 "Singing Those Psalms That S.. - 2/5/2025 Feeding a Crowd | Nathan Trice - 2/9/2025 Kill Sin Dead | Justin Rosser - 2/11/2025 "Songs About Jesus in the Ps.. - 2/12/2025 A Walk on the Sea | Nathan T.. - 2/16/2025 The Holy Affections of Chris.. - 2/16/2025 Happy, Happy, Happy? - 2/19/2025 Light for a Blind Man | Nat... - 2/23/2025 Why You Can Change | Justin.. - 2/23/2025 Joy Lost...And Found - 2/26/2025 Life for a Dead Man | Natha... - 3/2/2025 Heavenly Clothes | Justin R... - 3/2/2025 The Joy of Your Master - 3/5/2025
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