Gifted for Glory (When Leaders Lead — and their people willfully follow)
Summer Series 2022
Groomed, gripped, grounded, guided and gifted by the able power of God for the assignment of God.
A God size assignment... requires a God size anointing. Heaven's purpose... requires Heaven's power. God's salvation... requires God's Son.
First off, if you have a personal relationship with Jesus, you have been given a divine assignment. And one of the most freeing truths about your God ordained assignment is this: it wasn't specifically given to you because you were able to fulfill was given and assigned to you because HE IS ABLE.
SO, two things, don't let your abilities or your limitations — put any kind of limit on you — so that you loose sight of trusting the limitless power and presence of God. Both Abraham and Sarah were limited... but the promise of our unlimited God superseded their limitations and "visited Sarah with His presence, as He said, and the Lord did unto Sarah, fulfilling what He promised when He spoken to her and Abraham" (Genesis 21:1).
And likewise, the Lord, when He graced and called you, He invited you to entrust your limitations to His authority and assignment. And remember, when He gives an assignment, it's ALWAYS based upon His unlimitedness... and our weaknesses and inability to fulfill the mission on our own becomes a means to display He is ABLE, His grace is beyond sufficient and His promises are worth trusting.
Horizontal living for God, without vertical thinking from God, never works, no matter how passionate it may be. But vertical thinking from the Lord adds a quality of eternal life, truth and thinking to horizontal living... some |