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Douglas Van Dorn | Boulder, Colorado
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Reformed Baptist Church of Northern Colorado
7493 Old Mill Trail
Boulder, CO 80301
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Douglas Van Dorn
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The Meaning and Mode of Baptism: A Defense of Credobaptism from the Old Testament
8/20/2006 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Matthew 3
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At the time of the delivery of this sermon, I had been working on a rather unique argument for credo-baptism for around five years. I believe you will not hear another approach to this topic from quite this perspective anywhere else. It is an Old Testament argument for the continuation of baptism into New Testament times. If you find the argument interesting, we want to let you know that we have published a book on the subject available at Amazon.

The book is called “WATERS OF CREAION” by Douglas Van Dorn (see link). It is the product of seven years of serious study on this subject. Whether you are a Baptist or an infant Baptist, consider telling your friends about this sermon. Please enjoy and may the Lord bless you in your contemplation of this important subject.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Douglas Van Dorn
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Douglas Van Dorn
Meaning and Mode of Baptism

Matthew 3
Sunday Service
Reformed Baptist of N. Co.
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Douglas Van Dorn
Meaning and Mode of Baptism

Reformed Baptist of N. Co.
Sunday Service
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
philipContact via email (3/1/2017)
from pgh pa
“ Great Sermon! ”
well done brother.. a very well thought out ,exegetical defense of Credobaptism. The meaning of to fulfill all righteousness was always sketchy to me. thank you God Bless Rom 8:1

SteveR (1/2/2010)
from Upper Midwest
“ Great Credobaptism Sermon! ”
The best defense of the Credobaptism position I(a paedobaptist by church teaching) have ever heard. After today, I will certainly give more thought to this important issue.

william jonesContact via email (12/27/2009)
from geogia
“ Great Sermon! ”
sir, in this sermon you stated a priest had to be 30 yaars of age before before perfoming duties in the Old testament. the Question is wher can i get the scriture say this to help me, you also said that Christ was 30 and made the great sacrafice at the at of 33 the othe question is is that true for priest or high priest n the old Testament again could i have scripture referance. Thanks this was a good message

Doug (10/7/2007)
from eastern Virginia, USA
“ This message can't be preached enough!! ”
I spent so many years in a Presbyterian environment, where they are obsessed with putting the square peg in the round hole. They continue to attempt to try to show that infant baptism is equivalent to 8th-Day Jewish Circumcision of male babies, entirely leaving females out of the loop. They are "stuck" on Replacement Theology, just like their Roman Catholic forebears, and don't yet realize, even to this day, that the New Covenant and related Baptism of Believers is a whole NEW teaching, rather than a revision of an old ritual!!!! With each delivery of this message, I pray for eyes that see and ears that hear!!! AMEN!!!

TLCEph415Contact via email (9/4/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Douglas, Your message on the Baptisms John spoke of and your use of the old testament scriptures to provide sound teaching of the new testament is how God intends for His children to know Him and why He sent His Son to this earth for us. I believe this also gives us understanding to Malachi 4. This should also edify those who are following man in their walk with Jesus Christ instead of studying the scripture and allowing the Holy Ghost to guide them in that walk. I would like to hear your study of the Baptism with fire which is also back up in the old testament and not taught or preached on these days. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Jim

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  Douglas Van Dorn
Doug Van Dorn is the founding pastor of Reformed Baptist Church of Northern Colorado. He is a graduate of Denver Seminary, and he and his wife, Janelle, are proud parents of two daughters.

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