1. Abraham’s calling 2. Abraham’s faith 3. Abraham’s hope
For us it is important to know about Abraham’s faith. It is an example for us. The Bible calls Christian believers sons of Abraham, and says that we have the same faith.
The LORD calls us, like he called Abraham. He tells us to leave our false religion, our comfortable place in the world, our commitments to wrong friends, our addictions成瘾 to sin. The LORD calls us to follow Jesus Christ instead, into his Kingdom.
The LORD promises us, like he promised Abraham, to bless us and our families. Even if we do not see it yet, he will give us the best life possible. We have that life now already, through the Spirit of Jesus Christ. We will have that life completely when the Lord returns.
And the LORD wants us to listen and obey, in faith. He loves to see us following him, leaving our old life and entering a new life. He loves to see us grow in holiness and grace. He loves to hear our worship and praise and prayers in Jesus’ name. He loves it, when our lives become more and more like that of Jesus Christ, the great Son of Abraham.
In Jesus, we have the blessing of Abraham for the world. In Jesus, we too become offspring of Abraham, children by faith. In Jesus, we inherit not just the Promised Land, but the New Earth and peace with God. |