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Dr. Stephen Pollock | Malvern, Pennsylvania
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Rev. John Greer
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A Biblical Understanding of Tongues-Speaking
Series:  Tongues Speaking  · 1 of 2
6/11/2000 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Acts 2:1-21
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Rev. John Greer
Understanding Tongues-Speaking

Tongues Speaking
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Rev. John Greer
Understanding Tongues-Speaking

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s c (6/17/2014)
from Oh
“ sound or merely 'sound'? ”
The gift of prophecy has ceased in so far as it is considered new revelation. There are, of course, those that speak forth the Word of God (from the Bible-the completed word/revelation of God). Tongues have ceased, clearly, as stated from those who rightly divide the Word. One receives the Holy Spirit when they believe and have placed their trust in our Lord and Savior. There is no needed experience of receiving the Holy Spirit there after. Those who complain about the comments of others "adding to" or "provoking discussion" are themselves guilty. It's always pleasing to hear sound sermons and to read those who are sound in their understanding and not just "sound" or, in the case of the misused concept of tongues, just desiring to make sound (gibberish) to feed their overinflated sense of self. Tongues were to edify the church then and not to edify oneself.

JohnnyN (7/18/2012)
from Va
“ Great Sermon! ”
As a Christian it's actually quite sad to read many of these negative comments. If an unbeliever were to come across these comments, I doubt they would sense the love of Christ. I would confess that I believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are active today, and I listened to this sermon in order to hear the other side and challenge me own beliefs. Rather than attacking each other let's be quick to listen and slow to speak.

Alan2Contact via email (1/15/2012)
from England
“ Great Sermon! ”
Well, if anyone wishes to follow the Corintheans, and to seek to justify their babbling, then let them continue to do so, and be judged of God, for drunkeness, lewdness, heresies, and the like, were all present amongst the Corintheans. Glibbly do the Charismatics exalt the Corintheans for their speaking in tongues, whilst overlooking the fact that they were under judgment, and that what they spoke, as in Acts, was an actual language, not present day babble.

Cathy (9/7/2010)
from Western Australia
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Thank the Holy Lord God Almighty,of heaven and earth,for faithful,God honouring preaching! For those who love the Lord God enough to contend for the Gospel, and stand firm in the Word of the Lord! God Himself, gives the genuine believer,wisdom,knowledge,guidance and discernment,to hear what the Spirit is saying to the hearts of those He has called and chosen as His own. Blessings to you Rev Greer,and to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ,because He first Loved us :) 8th September 2010

Charles Richardson (7/25/2008)
from Bloomington springs, TN
“ Be careful Brothers and Sisters. ”
When I first came out of u.p.c.i. I was on fire and ready to change the world. Being aggressive about there tongues speaking will only drive them further away (as I found out the hard way). We need to witness and preach, but biblicaly, as Bro. Greer has done. 1Pe 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

veronica R.Contact via email (2/22/2006)
from Philly,PA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for preaching the truth.

Pastor Nick (11/7/2005)
from Massachusetts
“ Interesting topic! ”
In reading this sermon and the comments made afterwards, I have not found one note about interpretation of tongues. I do not have the gift of tongues, and yet Paul said that we should eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit. I have prayed on several occasions that if it were the will of God that He would grant me this gift. In some ways I am glad that I do not have it, for in most churches I see a misunderstanding of the gifts. People are praying in tongues or some language and noone around them can understand what is being said. Scripture teaches that if tongues are used in the church there should no more than three should speak, and there MUST be an interpreter.(1 Cor. 14:27) How often today churches that promote the gifts of tongues are doing so unbiblically as there is no interpreter and many are speaking at the same time. How can we be obedient to the laws of scripture that talk about speech, sexual purity or faithfulness if we do not obey the Word in regards to tongues? So then, let us who believe in tongues do as the apostle commands us through God; "If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God." God is a God of order, not chaos! Let us as well be people who imitate Christ in submission to God and His Word.

Jay (10/12/2005)
I've actually been confronted by two people at my church who both told me that I had not yet received the Holy Spirit simply because I had not yet spoken in tongues. At first, I felt like I missed out on something important, and that I was not a genuine christian. But after doing some studying, I found a couple of verses that say the COMPLETE opposite. 1 Cor. 13, & 14 tell all. I think those who claim to speak in tongues think it's good to edify theirselves. That's a misinterpretation of 1 Cor. 14:4. This verse is saying that IT IS WORTH NOTHING to preach to someone who can't understand you, and therefore you are only 'edifying' yourself and not the person or people you're with. Those who claim to speak in tongues should not outcast or condescend others who had not the opportunity or ability. Only GOD knows where a person's heart truly is! We as humans and sinners have not that right. Tongue-speakers should also take a look at 1 Cor. 13:8. I may be wrong but, it seems to indicate that these 'manifestations' of the Holy Spirit had ceased. Since the New Testament, you never heard of any more accurate prophecies being fulfilled, or any new things found in the bible. The validity of tongue-speaking nowadays is definitely questionable. God bless you Bro Greer, and future listeners!

Jaye MathisenContact via email (9/6/2005)
from Oregon, USA
“ Interesting. ”
It seems his whole premise is based on the presumption that the only languages spoken in Acts II where earthly languages, however, I do not see where this is so. Yes, many heard their own language, and that's fine, but I don't see where the Scripture precludes any other languages. I don't speak in tongues myself, but I don't directly see the correlation that somehow because I may speak in tongues, I'm also directly condoning the one world church. His other argument against tongues is based on the assumption that somehow the church at Corinth was "abusing" the gift of tongues. I do not see how the Holy Spirit would allow itself to be "abused". Either people are functioning in a manner that is representative of Christ, and thus enjoying the gifts and displaying the fruits, or they are not. And I think the Holy Spirit knows the difference.

ATolentino (8/21/2005)
“ My Opinion ”
I don't have the gift of tongues, but I know a lot of christians who have. I also know some who have the gift of prophecy. Most of these people are selfless, compassionate, loving people who would go the extra mile for people, they are very passionate for God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The bible says you can know a tree by its fruit. Certainly Satan does not give gifts to attack his kingdom. It also says to test every spirit, and that you know it is from God if it acknowledges that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. There would be no point in Satan giving signs to promote people who preach Jesus Christ (and the bible). Although tongues, prophecy, signs, healings have been greatly misused or fabricated by false prophets/teachers for their own gain. That is really no different from false teachers who deceive people for their own evil gain using the (protestant) bible and (genuine) biblical doctrines apart from tongues/signs. James says you show your faith (doctrine) to be real by your works. Peter says to be sure about our calling and election by being diligent in building Godly character in ourselves. Personally I believe in the gift of tongues, because of that's how I understand the bible and because of the testimony (life) of genuine christians who have them.

Lyle L.Contact via email (8/9/2005)
from Arizona USA
“ Alleluiah!! ”
Thanks be to the Living God for Mr de Vreis' deliverance!! All who are truly in Christ must continue to lovingly reprove those who are deceived and pray that they take heed of Paul's warning in 2 Cor. 11:13-15..."For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." These evildoers spread their poison through a worldwide TV network and will face the Judge on That Day to receive recompense for making MERCHANDISE of people's SOULS.

Paul de VreisContact via email (8/7/2005)
from South Africa
“ Great Sermon! ”
Having been in a tongue speaking movement for 25 years, I am glad that my shackels of the false movement of ecstasism (gibberish) has been removed. I have repented and well on my way in securing the belt of the armour of God. New meaning has been brought to me by this sermon. It is sad to see the American churches in such a state of decay. (TBN). Acts 2 clearly defines tongue speaking. Tongue speakers: Beware of the apostacy.

Lyle L.Contact via email (8/4/2005)
from Arizona USA
“ Pentecostal / Fundamentalist?? ”
What a shame to be so deceived, Mr Garrett. Being a fundamentalist dictates that one refutes the false doctrine of the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement. You can't be both!! For a very clear exposition of what Paul is "literally" saying in 1 Cor. 13:8-13, may I suggest sermons #9 & 10 in Rev Greer's excellent series "The Miracle in Scripture." That entire series should be "must-hear" material for all who are under Satan's bondage and deception, known as Pentecostalism. I will include you, sir, in my daily prayers that God's real Spirit of Truth will convict your heart :-)

Joel Garrett (7/25/2005)
from Ashland, VA USA
“ I pray and sing in tongues ”
As a fundamentalist, KJV-only, anti-Vatican Pentecostal who loves I must take I Corinthians 12, 13 & 14 LITERALLY. The Bible teaches that the gifts of the spirit including tongues are an outward manifestatin of being "filled". The teaching at our church emphasizes fruit and gifts. However, as one who has the gift, I know it edifies me. That doesn't make me better than my brethren who don't have it, but it's a gift to edify me. "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church." 1Cor 14:4 "...he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries." 1Cor 14:2 Having experienced the blessing of tongues, and desiring for the greater gifts, I can't agree with the speaker. In fact, I would say that he has no biblical proof that every one of the gifts are not for today. Rather, the Word plainly says that all of the gifts are for the church all the time. Truly there's power in the blood. Holy Ghost lead us into all that You have for us. Even so come Lord Jesus!

MWelti (7/18/2005)
from CH Europe
“ Excellent Teacher & Preacher! ”
That's Rev. Greer! I agree with Stan from New Jersey. I will not say I feel disgusted but I sure do not understand the necessity nor the purpose of such comments. I, among many others, have personally been so richly blessed by Rev. Greer's ministry in particular and the whole Sermonaudio ministry. Words cannot express my joy at how the Lord has used him and others on this internet ministry to encourage, comfort, uplift and edify me. Do I always grasp everything immediately? Of course I don't. Let us spend more time, much time, thinking over what we hear and in searching the scriptures ourselves. Take your disagreements and your questions and negative criticisms to the Lord. I thank and praise the Lord for such dear Brethren. May He continue to bless each and everyone of them, that we His sheep may thereby be nourished and richly blessed. Finally, as Stan says, let us keep to the purpose of comments as requested by this blessed ministry. Read their request again - those who have either not read it or have forgotten what it is contains.

StanContact via email (7/17/2005)
from New Jersey
“ Great Sermon, but Pathetic Commenting! ”
I read some of these comments, and I feel disgusted. I don't believe that the purpose of having comments for sermons was to: a) add to the sermon, b) try to refute the sermon, or c) start an argument blog. Scholars have been arguing over the charismatic movement for years. Does anyone really think that his comment will present that one verse or idea that will prove his belief while clearly refuting what's contrary to it? That's ludicrous, and it often simply leads to Christians "biting and devouring one another" while ripping verses out of context in an effort to support their own agenda. How about we just leave comments to what they were intended for: stating how the Lord used the sermon in your life. If He didn't use it in your life, then maybe you should just remain silent instead of bragging about it or presenting a three-point outline on why you disagreed. I believe that this was a great sermon, and I appreciate anyone as bro. Greer who really studies out God's Word and exegetes it before preaching. Maybe the rest of us should try to do the same.

Joseph (7/9/2005)
from New Orleans LA
“ Great Sermon! ”
To those that think you have the gift of tongues.What language do you speak? Has any one been saved through your gift? Why do you need translators when you go on mission trips? Can you drink anything deadly like poison and not have it harm you like Jesus said in Mark 16:18?If you can take one gift from Mark chapter 16:17-18 why can’t you take them all? After all Jesus said these SIGNS shall follow them that believe. Some of you have said that the gifts never stopped right? Grow up! When Jesus was asked by the disciples how to pray, don’t you think he would have told them about a secret praise language? Of course he would have. Most of you that disagree have some other book that calls its self a Bible but it isn’t. Only the King James AV 1611 can help you, no one can deny that. Wake up study and rightly divide the word 2nd Tim 2:15; oh, if you don’t have a KJV then I guess you might of missed that. No one ever spoke in tongues in the Bible unless one of the Apostles was present to pray for them with laying on of hands. Where are the Apostles today? Philip performed signs and wonders but it was the Apostles that had to be called to Samaria to pray for the Holy Ghost to fall on them. This and other signs were to authenticate Gods word to the Jews for they require a sign!

Mark (7/7/2005)
from Chicago
“ Michael Clark... ”
Mike, all the tongue speaking signs in Acts(2,10,19)were geared toward Jews, not just 2. If you note, even Peter thought the Gentiles in 10 were somehow to be treated differently than Jews. 3 times God had to intervene and show him indirectly that 'What God has cleansed you must not call unclean'(acts 10:9). This sign was a sign of judgement even for Peter that he must change his ways. In Acts 19 the signs were geared toward the Jewish disciples themselves who thought the Baptism of John saved them(of repentance). They themselves needed this tongue sign to believe in Holy Spirit. ... Also see fulfillment of prophecy in 1Cor14:21. Thus this sign is a sign of Judgement and one can choose Christ as Lord and Saviour (baptism in Holy Spirit-salvation) or Baptism by Fire-eternal damnation Mat3:11 Peace All

R WalkerContact via email (3/9/2005)
from Nairobi, Kenya
“ paul w yates ”
Thanks for pointing out that spiritual gifts are for edifying the body. I've downloaded the sermons you recommend and will listen to them. I would very much appreciate if you would e-mail me, this kind of posting doesn't bring light. In God's mercy, Richard

W. Michael ClarkContact via email (3/5/2005)
from Colorado Springs, Colorado
“ Fairly Good Message! ”
Dear brother Greer, I agree wholeheartedly with the essential thrust of your sermon, but I believe it was Biblically weak in a number of ways. I, myself have come out of the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement, and have embraced that particular doctrine, as well as the counter-doctrine of that phenomenon. Presently, I hold to the doctrines of election/sovereign grace, though, perhaps more loosely than those of your denomination. I must say that refuting Pentecostalism and the so-called second blessing of "the Baptism of the Holy Spirit," is somewhat difficult, primarily because of 1Cor. 12-14, and the ambiguity that seems to be therein. The the perspective and answer given and held by contemporary dispensationalists is, in my opinion the most compelling argument to refute the present-day use of this and all of the "revelatory" gifts listed in that passage. The happenings in the Book of Acts were clearly a transitional phase between the time of the Old Covenant Jewish economy and the inauguration and full establishment of the New Testament church. In Acts 2, it was all Jews who were recipients of the prophetic use of tongues; in Acts 10 it was Gentiles and in Acts19, Samaritans. All of these entities have been fused in the New Covenant. Out of characters. Blessings!

paul w yates (3/3/2005)
from illinois
“ rwalker.. ”
spriritual gifts are for serving others, not self. paul is condemming when he said "he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself" that is not a good thing. listen to william o. einwhecter 1cor series for a good sound case, you just have to have an open mind. god bless

R WalkerContact via email (3/3/2005)
from Nairobi, Kenya
“ Well presented, but... ”
The Pentecosstal/charismatic church I attend teaches that the gifts of the spirit eg speaking in tongues isn't the only proof of being filled. The teaching at the church emphasizes fruit not gifts. However, as one who has the gift, I know it edifies me. That doesn't make me better than my brethren, but it's a gift to edify me. He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church. 1Cor 14:4 Speaking in another tongue can't edify my more than my mother tongue. For example, when an English song, chorus or hymn is sung in church it is never as moving as a song chorus or hymn in Kiswahili, our national langage. I was raised bi-lingual but I find that when I worship I want to speak in Kiswahili, my mother tongue. I believe this common to any bilingual person. ...he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. 1Cor 14:2 Another thing to note, the Apostle say that when one speaks in tongues he speaks to God, but in the spirit speaks mysteries. Having experienced the blessing of tongues, and desiring for the greater gifts, I can't agree with the speaker.

Jim (1/17/2005)
from Arizona
“ Good points ”
Thank you for your explanation of speaking in unknown tongues. I've always been confused as to why God would give us a "heavenly" language that no one could understand. You really tied together the scriptures on tongues in Acts and 1 Corinthians 14 in a clear and thoughtful way. As a helpful note to other commentators, please use spell check if you want to be taken seriously.

Lyle P LoganContact via email (9/27/2004)
from Arizona
“ Unholy Deception.... ”
Praise God for Phyllis's deliverance from heresy!! As for poor souls like DannyBoy, Ron, Bill, and Roberta...those of us who see GOD's Truth clearly, rather than what we "want" to believe because of an earthly desire for an "experience," will be praying earnestly that God's REAL Holy Spirit reveals to you the error you are absorbed in!! As for "pastor" Dennis...I know you are sincere in your beliefs. Sincerely WRONG, that is. James 3:1 warns us "let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment," so you don't have to answer to me, but will surely be held accountable by GOD when you stand before the Great White Throne of Judgment!! What is so hard to understand about 1 Cor. 13:8-10..."Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." The Greek verb in verse 8 referring to tongues (LANGUAGES!!) refers to it vanishing on its OWN...the verb used about prophecy and knowledge refers to an end by FORCE. Verse 10 clearly says when Christ returns the need for prophecy and knowledge will end.

Phyllis PullanContact via email (4/24/2004)
from Lancaster, Pa.
“ Great Sermon! ”
My husband and I recently have left the Assembly of God denomination after thirty-three years due to a watered-down gospel, leadership working along with the Roman Catholic Church, etc. I have been seriously questioning teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I do appreciate the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the power in Him for a life that is Spirit controlled and pleasing to Christ. Please pray for us that we will be led in truth and protected from error. May God receive all the glory!

DannyBoyContact via email (2/17/2004)
from SC
“ Great Sermon (Tongues ) Here's my Testimony ”
I was born into the Roman Catholic Church, a Devote Relegious Family, went to Catholic school, & my Uncle was a Monk all his life. I always loved Jesus. Didn't not know about salvation, knew about the ten commandments, and some bible stories and so forth. I loved Jesus and thought he was kewl. One day in the military when I was 21 years old, someone told me (that I could know & meet Jesus Christ personally), how to recieve Jesus into my heart and the Blood of Jesus over my heart. When I was waiting in the dentist lobby I was alone and had time I prayed that prayer. I bowed my head, and waited and remembered the man told me to be sincere and honest, then I became as sincere and honest as I could be as I knew how, AFTER that JESUS entered into my HEART. When the dentist worked on me, I couldn't help thinking the the dentist did not know that I WAS A KING. Everything was beautiful, when I walked home. I was in South Korea at the time. I came to know Jesus because I loved him, no other reason. Then about 1981, I meet a minister that talked about the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. I just meet him. We were the only ones in church at that time, I told him, I wanted the Holy Spirit. I lifted my Hands to Heaven, just as Jacob in Genesis, did not let God go until He blessed him, I would not let God go until He blessed me with the Holy Spirit. Well, I felt rings of fire coming over me, I could see it through my eyelids that were closed. Something got the hold of the back of my tongue and my tongue moved sounding like a dove, a couing sound, you see before as a child I raised doves and pigeons I recognized the sound even though the minsiter's tongues did not sound like that. (I really never went to a church service.) In 1982 abouts PTL, there was Oral Roberts on my Television Cable in Wyoming saying someone wants to speak in tongues and he said it was like a string of pearls and so the dove sound became words. Since I recieved the Holy Spirit, my mind was like rivers of knowing an thoughts racing through my mind, God began to teach me with all the things that I have learned in the bible and things. I also heard God's audible voice in my belly after hearing on the radio that we should say to God, that I recieve your Gifts of the Spirt, ie I recieve your the Word of Knowledge, I recieve your Word of Wisdom and same with the Fruits of the Spirit. IN 1983 in New Mexico, I got sanctified or delivered from a lot of impurities. Certain christians bible prayer groups would asssemble and pool all there spiritual gifts together to cast of demons. Later I learned that growing the fruits of the spirit would displace the demons, or maybe a balance of the casting out and then growing fruits. God has given miracles, dreams 10 - 15 years into the future of my life, wonders, victories, and gifts of the spirit, can't list it all. When I was in deliverance I shared casting out with demons with my family and I guess that caused fear in them. However; I when I shared about Angels with them THEY LOVED THAT, they got them 200 porclian Angels (cement). Somehow they can't seem to get over the STATUES and CEMENT which seems to be thier God, Not judging just an observation. 2004, searching eBay, I found Cloud Ten Pictures DVDs series and am PURIFING my heart to the MAXIMUM, a new REVIVAL FIRES BURN in my heart. I have purchased and sent, MY FAMILY, the whole series from Cloud Ten Pictures, and the Movie Escape from Hell, and Jesus Christ Superstar, and more to include VANISHED with a GOODBYE note on it. NOW IT'S IN GOD'S HANDS ... PLEASE PRAY FOR MY FAMILY AND anyone i have ever come in contact with to know Jesus and God the Father as Sons and Daughthers of the Most High God, in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. DannyBoy

Ron (11/10/2003)
from Idaho
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Sermon, this is a subject that has always been of some contesion. The bible states do not fobid the speaking of tongues and this was demonstrated by the aposiols. And no where in the bible does it state that tongues stopped and died with the aposels. So my comment is if the bible didn't not says it stopped then I have no other reason to know it is live and well. Thanks you

samuel coulterContact via email (10/29/2003)
from ballymena
“ Great Sermon! ”
a blessing in a time of confusion

BillContact via email (8/25/2003)
from Canada
“ Tongues as a gift.... ”
A few thoughts on this message: It's not strange that Jesus and John the Baptist didn't speak in tongues..Jesus said himself that this would be given AFTER his departure. Chapters 12,13,14 of I Corinthians deal with the gifts and operation of them. Thank God that tongues did not pass away (I Cor.13:8) otherwise knowledge too would have gone by the wayside. I was hoping the Pastor would have addressed Jesus's words of Mark 16 and the necessity of the church today to exercise power and not simply doctrinal stance....otherwise, it was an interesting sermon

Pastor DennisContact via email (8/19/2003)
from British Columbia
“ I am truly amazed. ”
I do not know about others, but as Pentecostal Pastor, I want to say that their is no common denominator to a Catholic priest or what have you, this is the basis of this message. I have been filled in the Spirit of God with signs of speaking in toungues, no one was next ot me, no one was helping me, it was in a camp meeting at the end of that meeting. Jesus said You shall know a tree by it's fruit. Jesus filled me and I went on to evangelize, lift up and go against the one world church, we did not give no ecumenical movement any kind of promotion. Why would someone go against what the word of God says in the New Testement, because of some of his observations of what he percieves from today.....He's a great speaker(John Greer) and sincere, but sincerly wrong on this one!

HeleneContact via email (9/25/2002)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great study on what the gift of tongues was in the biblical sense. Rev. Greer's warning echoes the biblical command given in I John 4: Believe not every spirit, but trhy the spirits whether they are of....Beware of the spirit of error that has lead astray so many. Such erroneous teaching only serves the purpose of leading people away from the true knowledge that God's revelation has given us in His word. "God has spoken already (Heb 1:1)." I'll echo Rev. Greer's thesis: The modern tongue experience is placed outside the realm of the New Testament experience and is totally unscriptural. Take heed, brethren.

jbContact via email (7/10/2002)
from usa
“ Great Sermon! ”
Please note that "tongues" in those verses refer to languages that can be understood by those present.

jem Mace Penzance Cornwall ukContact via email (1/5/2002)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very clear, convincing and authoratative.

Roberta KennedyContact via email (3/20/2001)
“ Great Sermon! ”
You need to read Chapter 10 of Acts, the fourty fourth verse says While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spitit fell upon all those who heard the word. verse 45 And those of the circumcision who belived were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spitit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. Verse 46 For they heard them speak with toungues and magnify God. Then Peter answered, verse 47 Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spitit "just as we have? verse 48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they asked him to stay a few days. How did they know they had received the Holy Spirit, because they heard them speak with tongues. In the book of Joel is this promise also, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Chapter 2.. I Corinthians Chapter 14 verse 39 Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues. Verse 40 let all things be done decently and in order.

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  Rev. John Greer
Rev. John Greer is pastor of the Ballymena Free Presbyterian Church and former Moderator of Presbytery in Northern Ireland. Born in County Antrim, Mr. Greer was minister of Sixmilecross Free Presbyterian Church, County Tyrone, before moving to the United States in 1983 to pastor...

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